
  1. 因为这个国家几乎没有暴乱事件,需要的警力也就维持得相当少。

    There are rarely events of chaos in the country , which is why their police force is kept to a tolerable few .

  2. 此草案称,因维护国家安全和社会公共秩序,或是在处理大规模暴乱事件上,有关部门可以对网络通信进行限制。

    One part of the proposed bill says officials can shut down the Internet to " to maintain national security and social order or to deal with large-scale riots . "

  3. 叙利亚内部暴乱冲突和伤亡事件仍在不断上演,现在当务之急是寻求解决的办法。

    It 's extremely important that we find a way to end the violence and the killing that is going on today in Syria .