
bào xíng
  • savage act;act of violence;unruly conduct;outrage;atrocity;thuggery;violence;barbarity
暴行 [bào xíng]
  • (1) [savage act]∶凶残暴虐的行为

  • 无法无天的暴行

  • (2) [atrocity]∶凶狠残酷的兽行

  • 被指控犯有战争暴行罪

暴行[bào xíng]
  1. 她对这一暴行深恶痛绝。

    She felt a deep sense of revulsion at the violence .

  2. 人们在设法对恐怖分子最近的暴行进行严惩。

    People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages .

  3. 这些暴行的意图何在?

    What 's the point of all this violence ?

  4. 联合国部队准备应付更多的暴行。

    UN troops are braced for more violence .

  5. 这个国家受到了完全被国际社会孤立的威胁,除非其暴行得以制止。

    The country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop .

  6. 他以总统的名义宣称没有对任何暴行置若罔闻。

    As President , he affirmed that no tyranny went unnoticed .

  7. 肆无忌惮的暴行在城市生活中越来越司空见惯。

    Wanton violence is now becoming a regular feature of urban life .

  8. 我有时深感震惊,暴行竟可以不受惩罚。

    I have been amazed at times that cruelty can go unpunished .

  9. 有人指责军队中存在着野蛮暴行和盗窃行为。

    Allegations of brutality and theft have been levelled at the army .

  10. 这些美化暴力和暴行的图片,就是要使此等行为合理化。

    Images which glorify violence and cruelty , serve to legitimise such behaviour .

  11. 他回避了她有关战争的问题,极力为那些暴行辩解。

    He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities

  12. 多年来,她一直忍受着这种骇人听闻的暴行。

    She endured the monstrous behaviour for years

  13. 杀戮异常残暴。那些犯下如此暴行的人都应该受到审判和惩罚。

    The killing was cold-blooded , and those who committed this atrocity should be tried and punished .

  14. 这些人犯有令人发指的暴行。

    These people are guilty of acts of great atrocity .

  15. 敌人的暴行令人发指

    The enemy 's atrocities made one boil with anger .

  16. 当局对暴行只是进行了谴责,真是太胆小怕事了。

    The authorities have been too pusillanimous in merely condemning the violence .

  17. 我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。

    We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders .

  18. 我对他们的暴行提出口头抗议。

    I delivered a verbal protest against their brutal acts .

  19. 你看,我们变得着迷于阅读毫无意义的暴行中的每一个小细节。

    You see , we become obsessed with reading every little detail about the senseless acts of violence .

  20. 韦德·M·佩奇(WadeM.Page)曾经说过,他的音乐主要讲述“暴行怎样贬损了人的生命价值。”

    His music , Wade M. Page once said , was about " how the value of human life has been degraded by tyranny . "

  21. 它们也经受了现代军队的暴行,美国海军陆战队所面临的一些最血腥的城市战斗,就在1968年的春节攻势期间发生在皇城。斯坦利·库布里克(StanleyKubrick)在《全金属外壳》(FullMetalJacket)中呈现了这场战斗。

    Some of the bloodiest urban combat the United States Marines have ever faced took place in the Citadel during the 1968 Tet offensive , a battle depicted in Stanley Kubrick 's " Full Metal Jacket . "

  22. 尽管不是《罗马法令》签约国,美国对ICC调查达尔富尔一案提供了一些支持,据报道包括提供暴行余波中受袭击村庄的空中照片。

    Despite not being a Rome Statute signatory , the United States has provided some support to the ICC in its Darfur inquiry , reportedly including aerial photos of the aftermath of attacks on villages .

  23. 此外,虽然巴西当局认为,当一国统治者在背后支持针对本国人民的大规模暴行时,中止该国的主权是正确和适当的,但它同时也坚持认为,北约(NATO)在利比亚的所作所为有一丝新殖民主义的味道。

    And while Brasilia argues that it is right and proper to suspend a country 's sovereign rights when rulers sponsor mass atrocities against their own people , it also insists that Nato 's behaviour in Libya smacked of neocolonialism .

  24. 总理曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)昨日在尼斯出席默哀一分钟的活动,悼念上周该市恐怖暴行的受害者,但他遭遇公众的嘘声。

    Prime minister Manuel Valls was yesterday booed in Nice after attending a minute 's silence in tribute to the victims of last week 's atrocity in the city .

  25. 53岁的彼得·霍伊特(PeterHoyt)是佩奇在卡德西的邻居。清晨散步时,他经常停下来与佩奇聊天。霍伊特说,听说是佩奇实施了如此暴行,他感到非常“震惊”。

    Peter Hoyt , 53 , a neighbor of Mr. Page 's in Cudahy who often stopped to chat with him during morning walks , said he was " stunned " that the man he had known could have done something so violent .

  26. 一个30分钟的病毒视频已经让决策者和激进分子失败:使更多的人关心这一个奇特的崇拜的暴行的称为圣主抵抗军或者LRA的组织,其目的为试图颠覆乌干达政府。

    A 30 - minute video gone viral online has achieved what policymakers and activists have failed to do : make more people care about the atrocities of a bizarre cult called the Lord 's Resistance Army , or LRA , seeking to overthrow the Ugandan government .

  27. JamesKer-Lindsay:“他们对波斯尼亚发生的事情的看法是,他们不把姆拉迪奇看作残忍的暴行的军事领袖,而是把他看成波黑塞族人民的保卫者。所以,从这个意义上讲,民众中间存在对他的潜在的支持。”

    JAMES KER-LINDSAY : " They look to the events that took place in Bosnia and rather than seeing him as a military leader of an act of aggression rather view him as being the defender of the Bosnian Serb people . So in that sense , there is a certain degree of support for him . "

  28. 在叙利亚,有报道称,一位英国官员说了类似于这样的话,“一个新的规模下的暴行需要来自国际社会明确的谴责。据R.E.报道,积极分子称,叙利亚政府部队昨天冲进一处大马士革郊区,处死上百人。”

    In Syria , there are reports of what a British official says could be , quote , " an atrocity on a new scale requiring unequivocal condemnation from the international community . As R. E. reports , activists say Syrian government troopsswept intoa suburb of Damascus yesterday , executing hundreds . "

  29. Rovera表示,利比亚的暴行确实构成战争罪。

    Rovera says the violations committed in Libya do war crimes .

  30. 还有哪座城市在20世纪经历过的暴行比柏林还多?

    What city experienced the 20th century with more ferocity than Berlin ?