
zhàn zhēnɡ fǎ ɡuī
  • laws of war
  1. 论现代战争与完善21世纪战争法规

    On Modern Wars and Perfecting Laws of War in the 21st Century

  2. 文法无法胜过习惯用法。战争法规和(或)习惯

    Grammar cannot prevail against usage . laws and / or customs of war

  3. 关于潜水艇战争法规的议定书潜艇综合战斗与数据系统

    Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare submarine integrated battle and data system

  4. 战争法规和(或)习惯

    Laws and / or customs of war

  5. 关于战争法规的宣言

    Declaration on the Rules of Military Warfare

  6. 法律地震学与库尔斯克号核潜艇沉没关于潜水艇战争法规的议定书

    Forensic seismology and the sinking of the Kursk Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare

  7. 反潜直升机搜索常规潜艇概率分析与建模关于潜水艇战争法规的议定书

    Analysis and model of probability of antisubmarine helicopter detects diesel-electric submarine Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare

  8. 大多数关于战争的法规现在都被编进了国际公约中,例如1949年的日内瓦公约。

    Most of the laws of war are now codified in international agreements , such as the Geneva Convention of1949 .