
  • 网络wartime system
  1. 到抗战那个特殊时期,训政前期这种党政体制就发展成为一种高度集权的战时体制。

    The party-government system in the earlier stages of Xunzheng develop to wartime system of a high degree of concentration in Anti-Japanese war period .

  2. 在战时体制下,整个国家被编织成为一个坚固的迫使国民绝对服从的网络,国内监视活动的阴影无处不在。

    In the wartime system , the country was woven into a strong network that all the subjects were forced under " absolute obedience " .

  3. 全国实行战时体制。

    The nation is on a war footing .

  4. “贤妻良母主义”是战时体制下日本军国主义推行的日本“妇德”存伪满洲国的移植。

    This philosophy was a transplant of Japanese promotion of " women 's virtue " under the domination of militarism during the WWII .

  5. 不久,随着战争的扩大,日本统治者出于经济掠夺的需要,在基层社会建立了战时体制下的国民邻保组织。

    As the war went on , the Japanese ruler established a neighbor supervision organization at village level to suit the needs of the war .

  6. 但是曾因战争期间参加法西斯军国主义的战时体制,战后一度被解除公职。

    She was once dismissed from her public post after the war for her participation in the war system of Nazi militarism in the war period .

  7. 总统终于远在人民还没准备好作战之前就有了把美国置于战时体制的手段。

    The President at last had the means to put the United States on a war footing , long before the people were ready to fight .

  8. 人民武装动员是国家将武装力量由平时体制转为战时体制的措施和活动。

    Mobilization of the armed forces entails the measures and actions taken by the state to turn the armed forces from a peacetime to a wartime footing .

  9. 美国由于在战前已预见到这一点,做了较周密的动员计划,所以一参战,便很顺利地将国民经济改为战时体制,顺利的形成了战时动员体制。

    Foreseeing this point , The United States made thorough plan so as to switch the national economy into wartime system and smoothly develop a wartime mobilization system .

  10. 为了应付战时体制的需要,教育完全被纳入到军事、政治的轨道,赤裸裸成为军事与政治的延续。

    In order to meet the needs of wartime system , education was totally placed on the track of military and politics and became the continuance of military and politics .

  11. 抗战开始后,南京国民政府转入战时体制,其新闻统制政策、最高立法机构及立法重点均发生相应转变。

    After the War of resistance against Japan beginning , Nanjing National Government into war system , its information control policy , the highest legislative bodies and legislative investigation that all were changed .

  12. 粮谷出荷是战时体制下兴农合作社的一项重要活动内容,随着侵略战争的扩大和战线的拉长,日本帝国主义对粮食的需求日益紧迫。

    Cereal out of the Netherlands is an important activity in agriculture through co-operative elements , but also the most brutal exploitation of peasants and persecution . As the war of aggression , expansion and the elongated front , the Japanese imperialists increasingly urgent demand for food .

  13. 论抗战时期南京国民政府的战时政治体制

    On Wartime Political System of Nanjing Kuomintang Government during the War against Japan

  14. 日本战时统制体制的形成有着深厚的社会背景。

    The formation of the wartime control regime in Japan had a profound social basis .

  15. 战时统制体制严重地打乱了日本社会秩序,给日本社会带来严重危害,其所服务的侵略战争给亚洲人民带来巨大伤害,同时使日本的近代化迅速倒退。

    The Japanese wartime control regime disrupted Japanese social order and brought great harm to Japanese and their social , the modernization process was back .

  16. 日本战时统制体制不仅是军部法西斯化的结果,同时也是近代化矛盾的一次集中爆发,这样的认识有助于我们更加全面地把握这一历史问题。

    The establishment of the wartime control regime in Japan was not only the result of abduction by militarism , but also was the concentrated outbreak of modernization conflict . This understanding helps us to more fully grasp this historical issue .

  17. 其次在战时政治体制变革的视野中分析湖北省的政权建设,并在政权链条中考察湖北基层政权的变革;

    The next in order the local administration change of the province of analytical HuBei in visual field of the wartime political setup changes , and investigate the changes of the construction of grass root regime of HuBei in the political power chain .

  18. 战时期只是战后型经济体制形成的一个重要阶段,战时经济体制的某些要素对战后体制产生了重要影响,但两者具有本质区别,不能混为一谈。

    The Second World War period was just one important part of the formation of Japan postwar economic system while some factors of the war economic system gave heavy influence on Japan postwar economy system , however , both systems are total different , and can not be mixed up .

  19. 本文对强调日本战时和战后体制存在连续性的总体战体制论,做了系统扼要的阐述和分析。

    This paper makes a brief but systematic analysis of Theory of Total War System that the war-time-system is the prototype of contemporary system .

  20. 伴随日本侵华战争形势的变化和日本国内战时经济统制体制的确立,战时日本在华直接投资策略和投资内容也在不断调整之中。

    With the change of Japanese aggressive war circumstances in China and the establishment of Japan 's wartime controlled economy , the tactics and items of Japanese direct investment in China were in frequent readjustment .

  21. 第三章和第四章为第二单元,本单元作为本文的重点和核心部分,主要对国民政府战时统制经济体制的确立和战时统制经济的实施及成效进行了深入探讨和考察。

    The third chapter and the fourth chapter are unit 2 . This unit is the main body of the article priority and the core part . It mainly puts thorough investigation and discussion on establishing wartime controlled economic system of the national government and practicing wartime controlled economy .