
  1. 日本否认对慰安妇问题的责任。

    Japan denies responsibility over the sex slave issue .

  2. 美国议院正在考虑一个非强制性的决议,要求日本政府就慰安妇事件做出正式的承认和道歉。

    The U.S.House is considering a nonbinding resolution that would demand a formal acknowledgment and apology from the Japanese government for the brothels .

  3. 记者:那现在日本军队中还有慰安妇吗?

    Reporter : Are there comfort women in the Japanese Army now ?

  4. 他们声称,该决议草案并未认可日本政府先前对于慰安妇作出赔偿的努力。

    They say the draft resolution does not recognise the efforts that have been made to compensate the former comfort women .

  5. 安倍因本月发表的言论陷入了一场公关危机,他在讲话中似乎想把日本军队直接强征慰安妇,和他所谓的使用皮条客征用慰安妇加以区别。

    The Japanese prime minister has become embroiled in a public relations disaster after remarks this month in which he appeared to draw a distinction between direct coercion by Japan 's military and what he said was the use of middlemen to recruit sex slaves .