
  1. 日本地处所谓“台风胡同”(TyphoonAlley)地带的中央。

    Japan is located in the middle of what is known as typhoon alley .

  2. 日本地处环绕太平洋板块的一个主要断裂带,地震多发,而中国发生地震的频率低于日本。

    China is less prone to earthquakes than Japan , which lies on a key fault around the Pacific Rim .

  3. 一些研究指出,下沉的太平洋板块和日本所处的位于上方的板块相互交错达60米。

    Several studies indicate the descending Pacific Ocean plate and the overlying plate on which Japan sits , slipped past each other by up to60 meters .

  4. 日本受刑人处遇理念的变迁及今后的展望

    Transition of the Notion of Prisoners ' Treatment in Japan and Future Prospects

  5. 中国和日本相邻而处,日本曾在很长一段时间里学习中国法律文化,受到中国传统文化影响十分深远。

    China and Japan are neighboring countries . Japan had been studied Chinese legal culture for a long period .

  6. 该公司正在尝试从日本以外的制造商处采购替代零部件。

    The company is trying to source alternative components from manufacturers outside Japan .

  7. 有些场景意在描绘日本,还有一处欧洲普通街道的景色,以及大约1950年左右韩国的样子。

    There are sets meant to depict Japan , a generic European streetscape and South Korea circa 1950 .

  8. 结果显示,日本七鳃鳗食道褶皱处黏膜上皮为复层立方上皮,褶皱基部为变移上皮。

    Stratified cuboidal epithelium in the fold of oesophagus mucosa and transitional epithelium in the bottom of the fold were observed .

  9. 金泽位于日本西部,地处日本海与日本阿尔卑斯之间,是了解日本武士历史发展最好的样本城市之一。

    Located between the Sea of Japan and theJapanese Alps in western Japan , Kanazawa is considered one of the country'sbest places to learn about samurai history .

  10. 周一,该报在头版发布的道歉声明中表示:我们并不是想对上周五的灾难表示漠不关心或者冷嘲热讽。另外他们还表示该报非常同情日本民众目前所处的困境。

    We do not intend to be insensitive or to poke fun at last Friday 's incident , the paper said in a front-page apology Monday , adding that it was very sympathetic to the plight of the Japanese people .