
  • 网络The Fourth Middle East War;Yom Kippur War
  1. 论第四次中东战争中阿拉伯国家石油武器的运用及其影响

    On the Use and Influence of Oil Weapons of Arab Countries in the Fourth Middle-East War

  2. 1973年10月的第四次中东战争使中东阿拉伯产油国对支持以色列的美国等国家采取减产、禁运、提价、石油国有化等措施,继而引发了第一次石油危机。

    The fourth Middle-east war occured in the October 1973 forced the oil-produced countries in the Arabic world to reduce output , embargo , increase the price , oil nationalization and other measurements on the United States and others who supported Israeli , which resulted in the first oil crisis .