
wǔ qì jìn yùn
  • arms embargo
  1. 联合国对那个国家实施了武器禁运。

    The United Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country

  2. 欧盟(EU)加大了对叙利亚的武器禁运力度,要求各成员国搜查可能正在向该国运送武器的可疑船只和飞机。

    The EU tightened an arms embargo against Syria , requiring member states to search ships and aircraft suspected of taking weapons to the country .

  3. 这家公司一直否认自己是有意违反武器禁运规定。

    The company has consistently denied it had knowingly broken arms embargoes .

  4. 他们对这个小国实施武器禁运。

    They 've put an embargo on the supply of weapons to the small country .

  5. 其公开立场是,他们遵守所有联合国的武器禁运命令。

    Its public position is that it abides by all UN arms embargoes .

  6. 据BBC电视台的吉米·缪尔从开罗带来的报道,武器禁运的规定可能修订为允许供应更多的非致命防卫工具。

    But as BBC Jimmy Muir told us from Cairo , the arm embargo would be changed to allow more non-lethal support to get through .

  7. 但欧盟贸易专员卡洛德古赫特(kareldegucht)表示,取消武器禁运需欧盟所有成员国全票通过,分析人士称,这是极不可能实现的目标。

    But Karel de Gucht , European Trade Commissioner , said that lifting the embargo required a unanimous vote from all EU Member States , something analysts say is highly unlikely .

  8. 武器禁运是国家间的一种制裁方式。

    Arms embargo is a kind of sanction among countries .

  9. 安全理事会对南非武器禁运委员会

    Security Council Committee on the Arms Embargo against South Africa

  10. 武器禁运法根本无法执行。

    an arms embargo should be practically impossible to enforce .

  11. 他预见解除武器禁运将导致巨大的灾难。

    He predicted that lifting the arms embargo would lead to catastrophe .

  12. 欧盟对华武器禁运可以结束了吗?

    Can the EU Arms Embargo on China Come to an End ?

  13. 三方面的因素相互交织,最终导致了武器禁运政策的出台。

    Three factors are intertwined , eventually led to the arms embargo policy .

  14. 你破坏所有武器禁运条约。

    You have broken every arms embargo written .

  15. 对南非实行并加强武器禁运问题国际讨论会;

    International Seminar on the implementation and reinforcement of the arms embargo against South africa ;

  16. 法国总统希拉克坚持对华武器禁运是不公正的。

    French President Jacques Chirac insisted that the arms embargo on China is not justified .

  17. 当时,欧盟和美国对苏丹实行武器禁运。

    The European Union and the US , meanwhile , have an arms embargo on Sudan .

  18. 那些欧洲同行正在扩展他们的武器禁运,同时为平民提供更多的非破坏性支持。

    Those European counterparts are extending their arms embargo while providing more non-lethal support for civilians .

  19. 预计在联合国安理会上会有一项有针对性的制裁和武器禁运的提议。

    Targeted sanctions and an arms embargo were expected to be proposed at the UN Security Council .

  20. 其他方面,欧盟已宣称对利比亚颁布武器禁运以及签证无效的规定。

    More broadly , the European Union has announced an arms embargo and visa ban against Libya .

  21. 北约已同意实施武器禁运法令,并在利比亚禁飞区内巡逻。

    NATO has already agreed to enforce the arms embargo and patrol a no-fly zone over Libya .

  22. 甚至在中国问题上,各成员国也为了是否结束欧盟对华武器禁运而争吵不休。

    Even on China , internal differences have persisted over whether to end the EU 's arms embargo .

  23. 报告还说,联合国早就应该在实行武器禁运上做出很高的优先权。

    The report says the United Nations should have made a high priority of enforcing an arms embargo .

  24. 一名英国商人因违反官方对苏丹的武器禁运令而被法庭监禁。

    A court in London has jailed a British businessman for breaking an official arms embargo against Sudan .

  25. 我们的盟国和伙伴国对利比亚实施了禁飞区和海上武器禁运。

    Our allies and partners are enforcing the no fly zone over Libya and the arms embargo at sea .

  26. 美国要求安理会延长将于10月到期的对伊武器禁运。

    The U.S. has asked the security council to renew an arms embargo on Iran that expires in October .

  27. 对于在协助伊朗进行核浓缩的德黑兰以及一些被联合国加入黑名单的公司,决议对其施行武器禁运制裁。

    It also expands a UN arms embargo against Tehran and blacklists firms that are aiding the nuclear enrichment .

  28. 关于德意志联邦共和国对南非武器禁运执行情况的磋商

    Consultations on the Implementation by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany of the Arms Embargo against South Africa

  29. 美国国会更是为了迫使土耳其在塞浦路斯问题上做出妥协,1975年通过议案对土耳其实施武器禁运。

    The US Congress passed a bill in 1975 which was aimed at forcing Turkey to make concession in Cyprus problem .

  30. 美国大使约翰-博尔顿谴责叙利亚和伊朗违反联合国武器禁运令,向黎巴嫩输送武器。

    US ambassador John Bolton is accusing Syria and Iran of violating a UN arms embargo and sending weapons to lebanon .