
  1. 在当天的一场媒体发布会上,日本防卫大臣中谷元告诉在场的日本记者,这表明了日本人民对未来“安全”的渴求。

    Japanese Defence Secretary Gen Nakatani told Japanese journalists at a press conference on Tuesday that it shows Japanese people are eager for the " safety " of the future .

  2. 不过,韩国媒体和日本前防卫大臣小池百合子(YurikoKoike)暗示,金敬姬可能在为自己或丈夫谋权。

    However , South Korean media and Yuriko Koike , a former Japanese defence minister , have suggested Mrs Kim may be seeking power for herself or her husband .

  3. 本月末法国国防部长将访问日本,与日本防卫大臣举行会谈。

    The French Defence Minister is to visit Japan later this month for talks with his Japanese opposite number

  4. 当他上周离开华盛顿,日本外相麻生太郎和日本防卫大臣久间章生,与美国国务卿赖斯、国防部长罗伯特-盖茨坐到了一起(座谈)。

    After he left Washington last weekend , Japan 's foreign minister , Taro Aso , and the defence minister , Fumio Kyuma , sat down with their American counterparts , Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates .