
  • 网络Yoshihiko Noda
  1. 我们正处于空前的空心化危机中,日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)去年9月表示。

    We are in unprecedented danger of hollowing out , Yoshihiko Noda , prime minister , said in September .

  2. 我们将对市场保持严密关注,财务大臣野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)对记者们表示。

    We will be keeping a close watch on the markets , Yoshihiko Noda , finance minister , told reporters .

  3. 不过,据分析人士称,野田佳彦或许只能在联合国大会(ungeneralassembly)的间隙期间与奥巴马聊上一会。

    Instead , he will probably have to settle for a chat on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly , analysts say .

  4. 日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)的内阁预计将在周五的例会上做出最后决定。

    A final decision is expected from the cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda at its regularly scheduled meeting Friday .

  5. 就在去年,日本前首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)还推动通过了一项法案,将消费税提高了一倍。

    Just last year Yoshihiko Noda , the former prime minister , pushed through a bill to double consumption taxes .

  6. 野田佳彦形容此类提议是对央行独立性的潜在危险打击,同时重拾已导致日本政府总债务达到GDP两倍多的浪费巨大的建设政策。

    Mr Noda has portrayed such proposals as a potentially dangerous assault on central bank independence and a return to the wasteful construction policies that have helped saddle the state with gross debt of more than twice GDP .

  7. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)曾承诺新成立一个独立的核电监管委员会,从今年4月开始工作。

    Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda promised to have a new independent Nuclear Regulatory Commission up and running by April of this year .

  8. 松下忠洋三个月前刚刚走马上任,这是日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)更广泛的内阁重组的一部分。

    He had taken the position just three months ago as part of a broader cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda .

  9. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)正在利用这种担忧力推提高消费税。

    Yoshihiko Noda , the prime minister , is using such concerns to try to push through a rise in the sales tax .

  10. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)表示,日方将“严格依照法律”处理这些活动人士。

    Yoshihiko Noda , the Japanese Prime Minister , said Tokyo would deal with the activists " strictly in accordance with the law " .

  11. 另外,野田佳彦此举也可能转变TPP的前景,最明显的是联合了世界前三大经济体中的两个国家,更激励了其他许多国家。

    Mr Noda 's move could also transform the prospects of the TPP , most obviously by uniting two of the world 's leading three economies but also by galvanising others .

  12. 周三早间,当日元接近这个水平、升至1美元兑82.88日元时,财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)下达了指令。

    As the yen approached that level on Wednesday morning , strengthening to 82.88 against the US dollar , finance minister Yoshihiko Noda gave the order .

  13. 日本财务大臣野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)昨日在临时记者招待会上承诺,要针对日元走强采取适当行动。他是什么意思?

    Yoshihiko Noda , in an unscheduled press conference yesterday , pledged appropriate action against the strong yen . What does the Japanese finance minister mean ?

  14. 作为支持该议案的条件,反对党要求日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)履行举行大选的承诺。

    As a condition for supporting the bill , opposition parties are demanding that Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda fulfil a pledge to call a general election .

  15. 韩国方面试图退回日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)写给李明博的一封抗议信,这种做法在外交上非常具有争议。

    In a highly contentious diplomatic gesture , Seoul tried to send back a letter of protest that Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda had written to Mr. Lee .

  16. 此外,在股市一片乱象中,日本财政大臣野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)星期二否认媒体有关他将辞职的报道。

    Amid the dramatic selling in Tokyo , the Finance Minister , Yoshihiko Noda , emerged to deny media reports he would be resigning later in the day .

  17. 增税问题关乎日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)的政治生涯,他寻求在本周末之前与反对派达成一致。

    Yoshihiko Noda , the prime minister , who has staked his political career on the tax increase , is seeking an agreement with the opposition by the end of the week .

  18. 自去年11月14日野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)宣布举行大选以来,日元兑美元汇率已下跌14%,Topix上扬30%。

    Since November 14 , when Yoshihiko Noda called a general election , the yen has fallen 14 per cent against the dollar and the Topix has rallied by 30 per cent .

  19. 首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)希望分两阶段将消费税提高一倍,即在2014年4月从现在的5%上调至8%,然后在2015年10月进一步上调至10%。

    Prime minister Yoshihiko Noda wants to double consumption tax in two stages from 5 per cent today to 8 per cent in April 2014 and to 10 per cent in October the following year .

  20. 日本财务大臣野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)本月初表示,如果韩国一再干预低估韩元的价值,韩国作为峰会东道主的地位将受到质疑。

    Japan 's finance minister , Yoshihiko Noda , earlier this month said South Korea 's role as summit chair would be called into question if it repeatedly intervened to weaken its currency , the won .

  21. 继任的菅直人首相和野田佳彦首相均持亲美态度,对TPP的积极响应也一定程度上缓和了日美之间的矛盾,推进了日美合作。

    His successor , Prime Minister Kan , Prime Minister Noda tend to take a pro-America attitude , and a positive response to TPP , to some extent , ease the conflict between Japan and the United States , to strengthen the Japan-US cooperation .

  22. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)和防卫大臣森本敏(satoshimorimoto)上周分别在不同场合表示,如果海上冲突升级,超出了海岸警卫队的处理能力,日本将部署自卫队。

    Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and defense minister Satoshi Morimoto last week said on separate occasions that Japan could deploy its self-defense forces if maritime confrontations escalate beyond what could be handled by its coast guard .

  23. 因处理中日领土争端问题受到国内尖锐批评后,野田佳彦说,日本应采取强硬措施应对前不久韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)登上日韩之间某争议岛屿一事。

    Coming on the heels of sharp criticism of his handling of a separate territorial row with China , Mr. Noda said Japan needs to take firm measures in response to a recent visit by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to contested islands which lie between the two countries .

  24. 尽管日本财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)警告称,日本政府准备在外汇市场上采取“大胆的行动”,但他同时强调,日本不会采取持续积极干预、以获取竞争优势的路线。

    Yoshihiko Noda , Japanese finance minister , despite issuing a warning that Tokyo was prepared to take " bold action " on the currency markets , stressed that Japan was not going down the route of sustained aggressive intervention to gain a competitive edge .

  25. 日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)周二加大了争夺日韩争议领土的行动力度,他决定把这个问题提交给国际法庭,并吁请内阁成员拿出政府可以运用的应对首尔的其它办法。

    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda turned up the heat on South Korea over a territorial dispute Tuesday , deciding to take the issue to an international tribunal and telling his cabinet ministers to come up with other options the government can take against Seoul .

  26. 尽管财务大臣野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)本周的措辞越来越强硬,但自地震发生后不久七国集团的联合干涉以来,这还是财务省首次同意日本央行抛售日元。

    Yoshihiko Noda , the finance minister , has been stepping up the rhetoric all week but this is the first time since the g7-backed co-ordinated intervention soon after the earthquake that the Ministry of finance has given the go ahead to the BoJ to sell yen .

  27. 野田佳彦是松下政经塾第一位执掌日本的校友。

    Mr Noda is the first Matsushita alumnus to lead Japan .

  28. 野田佳彦是日本6年来第6任首相。

    Mr. Noda is Japan 's sixth prime minister in six years .

  29. 对野田佳彦的预期并不高。

    Mr Noda has not set expectations very high .

  30. 但野田佳彦也承担不起不行动的代价。

    But nor can Mr Noda afford inaction .