
  • 网络Wild mushroom;wild fungi
  1. 楚雄州野生菌资源的管护及经营对策探讨

    Discussion about Strategies for Management and Protection of Wild Mushroom Resources in Chuxiong Prefecture

  2. 云南珍稀野生菌长柄口蘑生物学研究

    Biological Studies on The Tricholoma giganteum Massee , a Rare and Precious Wild Mushroom in Yunnan

  3. 云南野生菌维生素B1、B2含量分析

    Analysis of Vitamin B_1 and B_2 of Wild Edible Fungi in Yunnan

  4. 野生菌组(C组);

    ( C ) wild Lactococcus lactis group ;

  5. 十株Bt野生菌杀虫晶体蛋白及基因型分析

    Analysis of insecticidal crystal protein and its cry-type genes of ten Bacillus thuringiensis isolates

  6. 野生菌转化缺陷后的MIC值发生改变。

    And the MIC values of pneumococci were all changed after their competence ability was deficient .

  7. 在Blu餐厅,配有花椰菜、野生菌和松露的煎灰鳐以前的价格是26美元。

    Blu 's skate with cauliflower , wild mushrooms and truffle broth used to be $ 26 ;

  8. SDS-PAGE测定其分子量,重组K99和F41抗原亚单位分子量分别是17200和29800,与各自野生菌毛亚单位分子量相同。

    The molecular weight of their subunit were determined by SDS-PAGE . They are the same as those of the corresponding fimbriae antigens from wild strains .

  9. 从淀粉厂的酸性土壤中筛选得到一株生产酸性α淀粉酶的野生菌,YX-1。

    The strain of acido-thermophilic bacteria YX-1 producing acid α - amylase was isolated from acidic soil near a raw starch processing factory .

  10. 另外,ΔntrC在菌体形态变化速度上显著不同于野生菌,其形态在对数生长期几乎全是杆状。

    In addition , the cell morphological change rate was also different from that of wild type strain and it was almost in rod type in exponential phase .

  11. 通过分析ΔntrC和野生菌在生长期的总蛋白表达差异,发现43个蛋白质表达量发生显著变化,22个表达上调,21个表达下调。

    Comparing to the total protein expression changes at growth phase of Δ ntrC and wild type strain , the expression of 43 proteins changed significantly , in which 22 proteins increased and 21 decreased .

  12. 开发利用野生菌途径之一;

    A way to exploit and use wild Edible Fungi ;

  13. 为国内首款纯生态原物质野生菌饮品。

    It becomes the first pure ecological original material wild fungus drinks .

  14. 食用野生菌对健康、美容有益。

    Edible wild fungus beneficial to health and beauty .

  15. 高黎贡山自然保护区白花岭区域生态环境保护思考之一&野生菌资源开发利用

    On Ecologic Environment Protection & Exploitation of Wildlife Mushroom

  16. 酶活力远高于常见的野生菌。

    All the activities were much higher than those in the common wild bacteria .

  17. 发酵木糖生产乙醇的野生菌和转基因菌的研究进展

    Study on the Ethanol Fermentation from Xylose by Wild Yeasts and Genetically Engineered Strains

  18. ICP-AES同时测定野生菌中多种元素

    Simultaneous Determination of Multielement in 12 Kinds of wild Edible Fungi from Kunming by ICP-AES

  19. 此外,还测量了野生菌紫质样品的非线性折射率。

    Besides , the nonlinear refractive index of the wild-type BR film is also measured by z-scan method .

  20. 公司产品以国内首款野生菌高端饮品为主导。

    YiBin dreamy forest food Co. , LTD mainly produces the high quality of drinks with wild mushroom .

  21. 但因受传统观念的影响,野生菌资源产权不明晰,目前的无序而又掠夺式的利用方式,严重破坏了当地的野生菌资源。

    Influenced by the unclear ownership of these resources , out-of-order and pillaged utilization seriously damage the wild mushroom resources .

  22. 将国内优良野生菌资源开发成天然的高产双乙酰细胞工厂,是有必要和有意义的。

    It is necessary and meaningful to develop domestic excellent wild resources into the natural cell factories for high-yielding diacetyl .

  23. 优化培养条件后,此重组菌的发酵酶活单位明显高于野生菌,最高达野生菌的3倍。

    After culture optimization , the enzyme production of the recombinant strain was 3 times higher than that of the wild strain .

  24. 地处滇中腹地的楚雄州,自然条件优越,林下生物资源丰富,其中的野生菌资源具有巨大的开发潜力。

    Chuxiong prefecture is located in central Yunnan province , with very good natural conditions and rich undergrowth resources especially wild mushroom .

  25. 为了获得能够高产的基因工程菌,首先需要获得产转谷氨酰胺酶的野生菌。

    In order to acquire the genetic engineering strain of high production , the wild strain of producing-transglutaminase should be screened firstly .

  26. 结果表明:人工培养的蜜环菌菌索蛋白质、脂肪、多糖含量均高于野生菌索,二者的氨基酸组成相似,但人工培养的菌索氨基酸总量高于野生菌索。

    The results showed that the contents of crude protein and the polysaccharides were higher in cultivated Armillaria mellea than those in the wild . They both possessed the similar amino acid composition .

  27. 结果表明,突变菌株菌体形态和野生菌没有显著区别,生长曲线提示其生长未受明显影响。

    The result showed that there was no significant difference in morphology between the wild strain and the mutant strain , and the growth of the mutant strain was not effected distinctly according the bacteria-growth curve .

  28. 在酿酒酵母S.cerevisiae.YSH6.126-1B中,其麦角甾醇含量较低,但富氧培养时重组菌中的麦角甾醇的含量仍比野生菌中麦角甾醇的含量高出1倍,限氧培养时高出1.8倍。

    The content of ergosterol in S. cerevisiae . YSH 6.126-1 B was less , but when cultured under oxygen-rich condition and oxygen-limited condition its ergosterol contents were 200 % and 280 % that of the wild type , respectively .

  29. 通过对采自江苏梅山和海南五指山的两份土样进行选择性筛选和显色筛选,获得了一批具有腈水解酶活性的野生菌,但活性相对较弱,未能达到实际生产的要求。

    By screening two soil samples from Mei Mountain of Jiangsu and Five-finger Mountain of Hainan , some wild strains with low nitrile-hydrolyzing activities were obtained with a selected screening method and a colorimetric screening method . However , the activities could not meet the requirement of the industrial production .

  30. 对两种野生羊肚菌菌株M1和M2在不同培养基上菌丝生长及菌核产生的特征进行了初步观察。

    This paper studied the growth states of mycelia and sclerotia for Morchella in different kinds of media , and preliminarily observed their culture characters both macroscopically and microscopically .