
  • 网络Extinction in the wild
  1. 猩猩现在面临着在野外灭绝的境地。

    Orang are currently on the verge of extinction wildly .

  2. 这些本土的巴西雀(斯皮克斯金刚鹦鹉)属于濒危物种,估计已经在野外灭绝。

    Critically endangered , these native Brazilian birds ( Cyanopsitta spixii ) are believed to be extinct in the wild .

  3. 中国曾经是该物种的主要分布区之一,但已于上世纪中叶于野外灭绝。

    China was once one of the main distribution of Saiga antelope ( S. tatarica ), but the wild species have become extinct in the middle of the last century .

  4. 气候变暖致使墨兰(Cymbidiumsinense)野外种群趋向灭绝

    Climate warming brings about extinction tendency in wild population of Cymbidium sinense

  5. 比如,林业王维胜(音)就愤然否认野外华南虎已然灭绝。

    The SFA 's Wang Weisheng , for example , angrily denies that the South China tiger is extinct in the wild .