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yě shǐ
  • unofficial history;privately compiled history
野史 [yě shǐ]
  • [unofficial history] 指旧时私家编撰的史书

  • 稗官野史。--清. 袁枚《祭妹文》

野史[yě shǐ]
  1. 正是因为这一点,自宋以来的正史和野史都把他描写成一位传奇英雄。

    This success of his has been a legend in both official and unofficial history .

  2. 野史对鲁迅思想形成、发展具有重要影响。

    Unofficial history has an important influence on the formation and development of Luxun ' thought .

  3. 在中国的野史中,记载的世界第一个人是盘古。开天辟地,并以躯体,创造了这个世界。

    Panggu was the first living being and the creator of all in Chinese mythology .

  4. 历史名人轶事汇编,实际上是汇集“正史”之外各类野史笔记、稗乘杂史中有关历史人物事迹的著作物。

    The compilation of anecdotes of celebrities in the history refers to those works concerning with their deeds .

  5. 研究鲁迅与野史的关系,是从一个新角度来研究鲁迅思想。

    Studying the relationship of Luxun and unofficial history is to study Luxun ' thought from a new angle .

  6. 他关注野史,是为了唤醒人们的改革意识,以收取启蒙的效果。

    He paid more attention to unofficial history to waken people 's reform consciousness and received an enlightenment effect .

  7. 这个打着曼达洛旗号的新兴团体还曾出现在《星战传奇》的野史故事中。

    This modern group carrying on the Mandalorian banner also appeared in a quasi-continuity story found in Star Wars Tales .

  8. 这种情形的描写模式在后世史书、乃至野史笔记和小说中仍在持续沿用。

    This kind of describing mode can be still used continuously in historical records , sketches of unofficial history and novels .

  9. 据野史记载,在这漫长的旅途中还发生了一件趣事。

    According to unofficial accounts , an amusing ( funny ) episode ( incident ) took place during this long and drawn out journey .

  10. 后者以陈请纂修《明史》勿信野史讹传为开端,以强烈要求更正官修《明史》中的讹误记录为最终目标。

    The latter originated from their appealing Mingshi not to adapt the wrong records and asked strongly to correct the false record in Mingshi edited officially .

  11. 野史视野已经成为鲁迅观察历史和现实的思维方式,从而形成了鲁迅的野史思维。

    An unofficial historical perspective became a mode of thinking by which LuXun observed history and reality , thus forming his " thinking with unofficial history " .

  12. 从鲁迅对童年生活的记忆、对野史杂说的兴趣,可以发现他与小传统的精神联系。

    From the childhood life memory of Lu Xun , to the unofficial history various views interest , we can discover the spiritual relation between him and the little traditional .

  13. 《吴越春秋》是一部有价值的野史,其史学价值主要休现在史料价值和写史体例有所创新两个方面。

    The Wu Yue Spring and Autumn is a valuable unofficial history , its value main manifests at two sides , the plentiful historical materials and some new ideas at the style .

  14. 野史、杂史和别史的界定及其价值兼及唐五代笔记或小说的特点唐代乐妓类别考辨以唐代笔记小说为中心

    Definition and its Value of Personally-written History , History in variant Style and Unauthorized Official History The Tang Dynasty Music prostitutes category tests differentiate & Notes to the Tang Dynasty novel as the central

  15. 研究中国古代体育,除正史、野史等历史文献外,古代诗词、歌赋、笔记、戏曲、小说等各类文学作品,亦是重要的研究资料。

    Study on ancient Chinese sports , in addition to history and unofficial historical documents , such as the ancient poetry , notes , drama and fiction and other kinds of literary works , etc. are also the important research data .

  16. 但我们同时也要看到,新历史主义电视剧带有强烈的解构色彩,这很容易导致荧屏上野史满天飞,又是对历史书写的随意消遣,破坏了人们对历史规律的正确理解和追求。

    But we must also see that the New Historicism drama with a strong deconstruction color , which can easily lead to unofficial flying on the screen is written in the history of casual pastime , destruction of a correct understanding and the pursuit of the laws of history .