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  • Wild child;street urchin
  1. 去洗你的脸,莫莉,你看上去像街头的野孩子。

    Go and wash your face , molly ! You look like a street urchin .

  2. 工程师兰迪·威金顿总结道:“AppleIII有点儿像集体狂欢时怀上的孩子,事后大家都头痛得厉害,至于这个野孩子,人人都说不是自己的。”

    Randy Wigginton , one of the engineers , summed it up : " The Apple III was kind of like a baby conceived during a group orgy , and later everybody had this bad headache , and there 's this bastard child , and everyone says , ' It 's not mine . ' "

  3. 他是一个拥有4项升降机发明专利的不可救药的野孩子。

    He is an incorrigible tinkerer who holds four elevator patents .

  4. 我一直还是那个有着超强生命力的野孩子。

    I still am that have the tenacious vitality urchin .

  5. 克拉克先生假装没有看见那个野孩子做鬼脸。

    Mr. Clark winked at the rude child making grimaces .

  6. 她是四个野孩子见过的最棒的母亲。

    The greatest mother four degenerate bastards ever had .

  7. 我不会让我的孙子像那些野孩子一样。

    I will not have my grandbabies acting like shiftless , wild hobos .

  8. [野孩子]传奇-瓦伦丁和奥森的故事

    The legends of the wild children & the story of Valentine and Orson

  9. 他是个出身贫寒的野孩子

    He 's a kid from the streets .

  10. 曾经沉睡的野孩子在潮流轮回间再次碰触了梦中的世界。

    Wild Child has been sleeping touched the world in dream in the transmigration again .

  11. 她是个没有受过教育的野孩子,她不开心的时候,就会诅咒或者说脏话。

    Wild and uneducated , she would swear or use dirty words when she was displeased .

  12. 野孩子传奇&梅米的故事

    Legends of the wild Children

  13. 我们都是野孩子。

    We are wild child .

  14. 显然,这位迪士尼前明星还告诉我们她并不是个野孩子。

    Apparently the former Disney star has to inform many that she 's not exactly a wild child .

  15. 在青春的记忆里,即使是微小的退色的残片,都可以触碰到野孩子那懵懂的忧郁。

    In memory of youth , even tiny faded fragments can touch the muddled depression of wild child .

  16. 你可能被大人们视为一个野孩子,和被家人所担心。

    You may have been perceived as a wild child by adults and a source of concern by your family .

  17. 在这些案例中,大部分是人为禁固的情况,仅有三例是无可争辩的野孩子。

    In these cases , most are man-made confinement of the situation , only three cases is indisputable Wild Child .

  18. 我们告诫孩子们不要同市区另一边的那群野孩子在一起厮混。

    We warned our boys not to tangle with that group of tough boys from the other side of town .

  19. 像野孩子彼得一样,梅米让我们知道,我们可能会把同类当成陌生的外来者。

    Like Peter the Wild Boy , Memmie presents to us the possibility of seeing ourselves as strange and new .

  20. 但是这个野孩子大胆地用一种流体防护物摆脱了他,并且建立了一座没有焊接点的建筑物。(好怪异啊)

    But the wild child boldly gets rid of him with a fluid shield and has yielded a building without welds .

  21. 神话故事中的野孩子最有名的要数罗马城的建立者罗慕路斯和雷穆斯。

    The most famous of all the fairy tales about wild children , however , are Romulus and Remus , the founders of Rome .

  22. “小不点高跟鞋”网站上展示了一系列设计款式,取名为“时髦”、“野孩子”和“天后”。

    The Pee Wee Pumps website displays a range of designs , labelled " Swanky , " " Wild Child " and " Diva . "

  23. 所以如果我没在家看书的话,那么你一定可以在公园找到我,我会像个野孩子一样在滑冰和蹦跳!

    So if I 'm not at home , reading , you can find me in the park , skating and jumping like a barmy boy .

  24. 晚秋的几片黄叶在欢快地相互追逐,就象野孩子在嬉戏一样。

    A few yellow leaves , left over from the autumn , chased each other merrily , and seemed to be playing tricks on each other .

  25. 有一天几个野孩子在排水沟里找东西——他们有时在这里能够找到旧钉、铜板和类似的物件。

    One day a couple of street boys were paddling in the gutter , for they sometimes found old nails , farthings , and other treasures .

  26. 新人德温·弗朗斯饰演温蒂——一个乘火车前往野孩子彼得(耶和华·麦克饰演)统治的神奇热带岛屿的美国路易斯安那州女孩。

    Newcomer Devin France stars as Wendy , a Louisiana girl who takes a train to a magical tropical island ruled by the feral Peter ( Yashua Mack ) .

  27. 说心里话,这只是一大堆白话,像一个野孩子站在岸上对着大河在喊叫。

    To tell the truth , this is nothing but a big pile of everyday speech ; it 's like a wild child standing on the riverbank shouting at the river .

  28. 他说:他小时候有点像个野孩子。和很多年轻人一样,他在夜店用买醉来发泄情绪。

    " He was a bit of a wild child when he was younger . Like a lot of young people , he regularly let off steam getting hammered in nightclubs ," he said .

  29. 英国哈里王子正努力摆脱他野孩子的形象&而其作为伴郎也将在哥哥威廉王子的婚礼上展现崭新成熟的一面,并接受大家的检验。

    Britain ` s Prince Harry has worked hard to shake off his wild-child image-and his newfound maturity will be tested to the limit when he acts as best man at his brother Prince William ` s wedding .

  30. 当说道“不出头”时都是中间出生的孩子,当认为哪个是很野的孩子时总会说是最小的孩子。

    There are few that can 't point to the lost-in-the-thickets middle-born or the wild-child last-born .