
  1. 你不必花很多钱购买“如师通”软件(RosettaStone)、请私人老师或是报班上语言课,但最重要的是你要一直有动力,要坚持学下去。

    But you don 't need expensive programs like Rosetta Stone , a private teacher or even language classes . The really important factor is that you stay motivated and stick with it .

  2. 他们在本地创造的就业机会(如发型师、音响师、快餐外送)大多都是暂时性的。

    The local jobs they create ( hairdressers , sound technicians , pizza deliverers ) are mostly temporary .

  3. 动摇的、轻燥的心,难防护、难抑制;智者(实)行正值,如矢师矫正箭直。

    The fickle , unsteady mind , so hard to guard , so hard to control the wise man straightens , as the fletcher the arrow .

  4. 对于业务人员(如业务策划师或者分析师)来说,这个抽象级别是很有意义的。

    This level of abstraction makes sense to business people , such as business strategists or analysts .

  5. 对任何拥有顾客的职业,如医生、师、椎指压治疗者、摩治疗者、理学家、师等等也是如此。

    So it is for any preoccupation with clients from doctors , lawyers , chiropractors , massage therapists , psychologists , teachers , and so on .

  6. 我明天要付下个月租金。如经理算师书面证明,可用保证金进行预付或将保证金退还。

    And it 's due tomorrow . Payments on account or refunds of deposits may be made if certified to in writing by the average adjuster .

  7. 近日,伦敦“劳合社”为一位知名酿酒师兼品酒师的鼻子上了500万欧元(合790万美元)的保险,如这位波尔多酿酒师的鼻子受伤或丧失嗅觉即可获得赔偿。

    Has insured the nose of a leading wine maker and taster for5 million euros ( $ 7.9 million ), covering the Bordeaux producer against the loss of his nose and sense of smell .