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rú guǒ
  • if;in case;in the event of;supposing that;provided
如果 [rú guǒ]
  • [if] 假如,假使

  • 你如果要来,请事先告诉我

如果[rú guǒ]
  1. 你如果吃这么多巧克力就会发胖的。

    You 'll get fat if you eat so much chocolate .

  2. 如果你明天回来,也许更好。

    Perhaps it would be better if you came back tomorrow .

  3. 这次如果获胜,便能进入决赛。

    The prize at stake is a place in the final .

  4. 如果我没有看错的话,那是他的妻子。

    Unless my eyes deceive me , that 's his wife .

  5. 如果有人打电话来,请告诉他我正忙着。

    Should anyone call , please tell them I 'm busy .

  6. 如果真是那样,我们就需要更多的员工了。

    If that is the case , we need more staff .

  7. 如果败诉,她就完了。

    If she loses the court case it will ruin her .

  8. 啊,那好吧,如果你坚持的话。

    Oh , very well , then , if you insist .

  9. 如果他帮不上忙,总还有约翰呢。

    If he can 't help , there 's always John .

  10. 如果你迟到了,就要扣你的工资。

    If you 're late , your wages will be docked .

  11. 如果撤销订单,保证金将不予退还。

    You will lose your deposit if you cancel the order .

  12. 如果真是那样,那我们就需要更多的员工了。

    If that is the case , we need more staff .

  13. 如果能够的话你希望避免昂贵的法律诉讼。

    You want to avoid costly legal proceedings if you can .

  14. 如果要说她有什么缺点,那就是她的意大利语不大行。

    If she has any weakness , it is her Italian .

  15. 如果贮藏在密封的容器里,食物能保持比较久的时间。

    Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container .

  16. 如果需要,冰箱里总有食物。

    There 's always food in the freezer if need be .

  17. 他们威胁说,如果不完成工作,就要提起诉讼。

    They threatened to sue if the work was not completed .

  18. 如果时间允许,我们希望能参观一下主教座堂。

    We hope to visit the cathedral , if time permits .

  19. 如果不出意外,我明天去看你。

    Unless something unexpected happens , I 'll see you tomorrow .

  20. 如果不采取任何措施后果将会是非常严重的。

    The consequences will be very grave if nothing is done .

  21. 如果他选择玛丽,肯定要招来后患。

    If he chooses Mary it 's bound to cause problems .

  22. 如果你遇上什么难事,给我打电话。

    If you get into any dodgy situations , call me .

  23. 如果没有他们的协助,这事没有一样能办成。

    None of this would have been possible without their help .

  24. 如果销售情况得不到改善,真有破产的可能。

    Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don 't improve .

  25. 你如果还有什么工作方面的问题就给我打电话。

    Call me if you have any problems regarding your work .

  26. 如果你还饿的话,还有一份酸奶。

    There 's a yogurt left if you 're still hungry .

  27. 如果让我选择,我明天就停止工作。

    If I had the choice , I would stop working tomorrow .

  28. 如果再等下去,我非发疯不可。

    I 'll go bonkers if I have to wait any longer .

  29. 如果你的身份真实,我就帮你。

    If you 're dinkum , I 'll help you .

  30. 如果没有剩余的我们就只得将就了。

    If there 's none left we 'll have to do without .