
  • 网络flowery
  1. 一切如花、花如一切。

    Everything is flowery and flower is like everything .

  2. 你竟能铺叙一个如花的故事,比诗还瑰丽:

    A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme :

  3. 植物肌动蛋白(actin)骨架在高度特化的细胞如花粉管、根毛、纤维等的发育及形态建成中起重要作用。

    Actin cytoskeleton is critical for the development and morphogenesis in plant cells such as pollen tubes , root hairs and fiber cells .

  4. 该市最大的雇主包括纽约长老会医疗系统,以及金融公司,如花旗集团和JP摩根大通。

    The city 's largest employers include New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System , and financial companies such as Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase .

  5. 本地银行占其中的最大份额,但证券公司、新的资产管理集团和一些外资机构(如花旗集团(Citigroup)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley))都在努力争取这个市场。

    Local banks have the largest share but securities firms , new asset management groups and foreign institutions such as Citigroup , JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley are all stepping up their efforts .

  6. 美国官员发出与国际共识相同的语调,暗示美国的大型银行,如花旗集团(citigroup)和摩根大通(jpmorganchase),可能面临比它们所预期的更为彻底的改革。

    Striking the same tone as the international consensus , US officials signalled that large American banks , including Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase , could face a more draconian overhaul than they anticipate .

  7. titi对野孩来说,正如花蝴蝶之与幼虫,同是飞翔的生物。

    The titi is to the gamin what the moth is to the larva ; the same being endowed with wings and soaring .

  8. 我朋友和《纽约时报》畅销作家RamitSethi喜欢取笑那些总觉得自己不会花那么多钱的人,比如花3万美元筹办婚礼。

    My friend and NYT best-selling author Ramit Sethi likes making fun of people who think they will never spend , e.g. $ 30 , 000 on a wedding .

  9. 如花美眷,终不过似水流年。

    Spend a beautiful matching , but The Flood of Years .

  10. 生命如花,爱情是蜜。经典的伤感句子。

    Life is the flower for which love is the honey .

  11. 如花流年,我欠你一场相遇。

    Like to spend time , I owe you a chance .

  12. 守墓,却守不住你如花容颜。

    Shou tomb , but could not restrain your flower face .

  13. 不过没关系,尽管笑吧,让男人们欣赏一下你的如花笑靥。

    Just smile and let men admire your pretty smiley face .

  14. 颜色如花命如叶&浅析《源氏物语》中的女性悲剧

    On the Tragedy of Women in The Tale of Genji

  15. 她貌美如花,活脱脱一个电影明星般。

    She Was More Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene .

  16. 晴空下,美丽的威尔基沙滩,阳伞如花;

    Sky , beautiful will base beach , parasols like ;

  17. 人入土,有如花凋枯,寿数短。

    We die , as your hours do , and dry away .

  18. 新娘的笑如花般绽放。

    Bride 's laugh is like the blossom in spring .

  19. 他们还调戏我如花般温柔的太太。

    And they molested my tender flower of a wife .

  20. 设计构思:女人如花又如画。

    Designer idea : Women are like flowers and paintings .

  21. 美而无德犹如花之无香。

    Beauty without virtue is like a rose without scent .

  22. 有时他们还互赠礼物,如花,巧克力等。

    Sometimes they also send gifts , like flowers or chocolate candy .

  23. 爱不受时间的愚弄,尽管如花的容颜。

    Love 's not time 's fool , though rosy lips and cheeks .

  24. 自然的初芽如花,绽放却难恒久。

    Her early leaf 's a flower ; But only so an hour .

  25. 石头上长着黄绿色的苔藓,散漫开来,如花儿般美丽!

    The mosses grow on the stone , as beautiful as the flowers !

  26. 爱情如花草,需要用心经常去浇灌。

    Love is plant which must be often watered .

  27. 而那将眼睛如花般摘下的死亡。

    And Death , who plucks eyes like flowers .

  28. 你如花朵般娇弱,需要爱的滋养。

    You are delicate as a flower and you need love to survive .

  29. 随心所欲如花怒放

    I go my own way like a full-blown flower

  30. 没冇快乐、笑容如花又怎样。

    Not any fun , smile how flowery .