
rú yì
  • Ruyi;as one wishes;as one likes it;according to one's wishes;ruyi,an S-shaped ornamental object,usually,made of jade,formerly a symbol of good luck
如意 [rú yì]
  • (1) [as one wishes]∶符合心意

  • 万事如意

  • 称心如意

  • (2) [ruyi,an S-shaped ornamental object,usually,made of jade,formerly a symbol of good luck]∶一种象征祥瑞的器物,用金、玉、竹、骨等制作,头灵芝形或云形,柄微曲,供指划用或玩赏

  • 我这里已经办的差不多了,只差一个如意。--《二十年目睹之怪现状》

如意[rú yì]
  1. 在WES堰或泄洪建筑物的表孔、中孔、底孔中,其下缘体型曲线将很重要,这方面前人已经做了很多工作,但在如今的高坝设计中尚还不是很如意。

    Weir release floodwater form hole , middle hole , underport of building in WES , reason size curve very much important under it , in this respect forefathers make much work already , but not yet no as one wishes even of the high design of dam of today .

  2. 我们祝你万事如意。

    We wish you every success .

  3. 我不想匆忙结婚——我在等着如意郎君的出现。

    I 'm not getting married in a hurry ─ I 'm waiting for Mr Right to come along .

  4. 再见,哈努,祝你顺心如意。

    Goodbye , Hanu . I wish you well .

  5. 维克拉姆·塞思的《如意郎君》在畅销书排行榜中排名第二。

    Vikram Seth 's ' A Suitable Boy ' is number two in the best-seller lists .

  6. 她很幸运,嫁了一个如意郎君。

    She is lucky to have married a good bridegroom .

  7. 很难万事如意。

    You can 't expect everything to turn out as you wish .

  8. 祝万事如意。

    May everything turn out as you wish .

  9. 祝您万事如意。

    May everything be fine for you .

  10. 他们生活中这一点不如意的变化毕竟还不是完全没有好的一面。

    The unwelcome alteration in their circumstances was after all not altogether without its compensations .

  11. 每当不如意时他就会大发脾气

    He always flies into a tantrum when he 's contradicted .

  12. 我祝你生活幸福、万事如意。

    I wish you the life of happiness and prosperity .

  13. 我希望你事事如意。

    I hope everything is going well with you .

  14. 例句曼蒂只能看到生活如意的一面。尽管世界存在种种问题,但她相信事情只会变得更好。

    Despite all the world 's problems , she believes that things can only get better .

  15. 他拿起酒瓶喝了个痛快,嘴里喊着:百事如意!

    He took a long drink from the bottle of wine , saying , Here 's luck !

  16. 节目结束之前,我想再重点强调两个大家可以在表达异议的时候用到的微妙词语。酒店经理在询问Catherine一切是否如意的时候,Catherine用到了这两个词语。

    William : But before we finish , I just want to highlight two quite subtle words that you can use to show you disagree with something .

  17. 令人难以置信的是,Kerry马上意识到了为什么她一直没能和如意郎君相处到最后:因为自己一直在寻找的是那个对的她。

    Incredibly , Kerry suddenly realised why she had never been able to settle down with Mr Right - because she had been looking for Mrs Right .

  18. 但韩雪香和她的生意伙伴——51岁的金敏贞(KimMin-jeong,音)将这一文化差异化作她们的优势,俩人合作创建了婚介机构Eve,旨在帮助朝鲜难民同胞找到如意郎君。

    But Ms Han and 51-year-old Kim Min-jeong , her business partner , have turned the situation to their advantage by establishing Eve , a matchmaking agency aimed at helping fellow North Korean refugees find husbands .

  19. 山东如意集团(ShandongRuyi)的这笔投资突显出,中国制造商正通过收购知名品牌来向价值链上游攀升。如意集团是中国领先的高品质棉纺和毛纺生产商之一。

    The investment by Shandong Ruyi , one of China 's leading makers of high-quality cotton and wool , highlights Chinese manufacturers ' move up the value chain to acquire well-known brands .

  20. 拥有桑德罗(Sandro)和ClaudiePierlot等品牌的SMCP,将成为最新一个落入中资囊中的欧洲奢侈品目标。根据交易安排,身为纺织品制造商的山东如意将买下KKR在SMCP所持的多数股权。

    The owner of the Sandro and Claudie Pierlot brands would become the latest European luxury target to fall into Chinese hands under an arrangement that would see the textile manufacturer buy KKR 's majority stake in SMCP .

  21. 想这样做的一部分原因是因为一些组件(如QGraphicsView)的速度并不如意,有很大提升空间。

    Part of wanting to do this is because some components ( like QGraphicsView ) are not as fast as they could be and there 's just much room for improvement .

  22. 人生在世总会有不如意的事。

    There really aren 't any good men in the world .

  23. 是否巳经开发了四如意足?

    Are the four bases for spiritual power developed in me ?

  24. 我们现在的生活有点小挫折,不如意,对吗

    Right now , we 're struggling a bit , yes ?

  25. 愿我的朋友新年万事如意!

    Let my friend best wishes for the coming New Year !

  26. 我祝愿大家在工作和生活中顺心如意。

    I wish you every success in your work and life .

  27. 事业有成,事事顺心,万事如意!

    All the best for our career ! Everything go smooth !

  28. 为什么她的人生如此不如意。

    Why her life didn 't work out like she planned .

  29. 给你的,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。

    A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you !

  30. 祝你在旧金山一切如意。

    May you have the best of luck in San Francisco .