
  1. 绞龙类零件数控加工宏程序的开发

    Developing of macro program for CNC machining a kind of wrench dragon parts

  2. 库耶列布希是一种西班牙龙类,特产于阿斯图利亚斯和坎塔布利亚地区。

    The Cu é lebre is the Spanish variety of dragon , specifically , from the regions of Asturias and Cantabria .

  3. 这些结合了龙类的暴虐与恶魔的韧性和活力的残暴怪物们比它们的原种表亲们更为可怕。

    These ferocious monsters are even more terrifying than their ordinary cousins , combining draconic fury with demonic toughness and vigor .

  4. 现在龙类正集结起来,准备一起降落到安其拉下面那噩梦般的巢穴中一探究竟,了结那些他们已经开启的噩梦。

    The dragons are rallying their champions to descend into the nightmarish hives beneath Ahn'Qiraj and to finish what they have begun .

  5. 此外,还对地层沉积与埋藏环境进行了初步分析,认为这一大型霸王龙类接近原地在河流心滩处被埋藏、进而逐渐形成化石。

    Moreover , the analyses of sedimentary and taphonomic environments reveal that the large tyrannosauroid was preserved in situ and buried in diara deposits .

  6. 夜精灵无法击败这些凶猛的恶魔,为了把炽炎军团逐出这个世界,被迫与古代龙类结盟。

    The Night Elves , unable to defeat the raging Demons , and are forced to ally themselves with the ancient Dragons in order to banish the Legion from the world .

  7. 龙炫化身成人类的中国龙其他未知。

    Long-hyun Incarnation of adult class of Chinese dragon other unknown .

  8. 游光爪龙的胫骨及跖骨的独征在其他已知的阿瓦拉慈龙类是未知的。

    The complete coossification of the proximal tarsals with the tibia , and of the distal tarsals and proximal metatarsals , present in Albinykus are previously unknown in Alvarezsauridae .