
  1. 镁对保持健康心脏及血压龙为重要。

    Magesium is particularly important for maintaining a healthy heart and blood pressure .

  2. 这是对于一个以不死灵魂驭龙为主题的绘画作品的游戏之作。

    This painting is a play on traditional dynastic paintings with the theme of an immortal riding a dragon .

  3. 中国自古以龙为本,农业生产与雨水关系十分密切。

    As an agriculture-based country from ancient times , the agricultural production in China maintains a pretty close relationship with rainwater .

  4. 路透社消息,一种以可达龙为商品名的心脏病药物胺碘酮,其严重的副作用似乎更会影响女性而不是男性。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - A serious side effect of the heart drug amiodarone , sold under the trade name Cordarone , appears to affect women , but not men .

  5. 为了市场需要,我公司在提供产品配套和配件的同时,为了企业的发展壮大和更好更快捷的一条龙为客户服务。

    In order to market needs , I support the company provides products and accessories at the same time , in order to grow the enterprise more efficient and better train Wei customer service .

  6. Skamoto博士的分析表明,长颈巨型蜥脚类恐龙衰亡速度最快,而以雷克斯霸王龙为代表的兽角类恐龙数量下降则较为缓慢。

    Dr Sakamoto 's analysis shows that the long-necked giant sauropod dinosaurs were declining the fastest , whereas theropods , the group of dinosaurs that included the iconic Tyrannosaurus rex , were in a more gradual decline .

  7. 农药独角龙为白色固体粉末,由于其在高温条件下不易气化,因而可以采用高效液相色谱法,选择最佳的检验条件对其进行定性、定量分析,以达到准确测定该种药物的目的。

    Pesticide " single horn dragon " is white solid powder , as a result of not easy gasify at high temperature , we determine the nature and quantitative analysis by HPLC choosing optimal test condition to attain the aim of nicety determine it .

  8. 主要采用行为事件访谈法(BEI)和调查问卷等方法,以钧龙公司为例,以现场销售/技术支持工程师为研究对象,建立了现场销售/技术支持工程师胜任力模型。

    A spot sales / technical support engineer competency model has been built up by studying the spot sales and technical support in Dagon Tech , using Behaviour Events Interview ( BEI ) and Questionaire .

  9. 令人作呕的龙想要为核扩散之母取得协议,它表示,意指中国可能会要求NSG也撤销对巴基斯坦的禁令。

    Slimy dragon wants deal for mother of proliferators , it said , referring to perceptions that China might call for an NSG waiver for Pakistan as well .

  10. 高龙金矿为产于滇黔桂裂谷中的热水沉积型矿床。

    Gaolong Au deposit is a sedex deposit in Dian-Qian-Gui rift .

  11. 他把龙命名为塞弗拉,很快他的生活便与这个神奇的生物分不开了。

    He manes the dragon Saphira and quickly bonds with the amazing creature .

  12. 仙龙现为穿刺伤害了。

    Faerie Dragons now do piercing damage .

  13. 古人认为青色代表东方,故将占东方的龙称为「青龙」。

    So they called the dragon representing the east " green / blue " dragon .

  14. 古时嘉兴一带求雨,以“龙”为对象,反映了原始信仰对传说中的龙的祟拜。

    Jiaxing area in ancient times the rain , with " Dragon " as the object , to reflect the original belief of the legendary dragon worship .

  15. 西南少数民族崇树习俗文化内涵浅析&以红河哈尼族祭龙树为例西双版纳傣族的水信仰、水崇拜、水知识及相关用水习俗研究

    An analysis on minorities tree worship of southwest region ; Research on Xishuangbanna Dai People 's Water-religion , Water-worship , Water-lore and Correlative Habits of Using Water

  16. 本文拟以贵州威宁雪山、龙街为例,运用人类学研究方法,初步探讨彝族传统社会中存在的行业内婚。

    With a case from Xueshan and Longjie in Weining County , Guizhou province , this paper tries to apply the approach of anthropology to analyze the occupational group endogam in traditional Yi society .

  17. 中国龙被视为好命运最后的象征符号。

    The Chinese Dragon is looked upon as the ultimate symbol of Good Fortune .

  18. 外面候着的动物都排成长龙了只为等您给试镜呢月老板

    The doors ? Well you 've got a lot of animals waiting in line to audition Mr Moon

  19. 真正与前者回异的杂字书以《万宝元龙杂字》为代表;

    Wan Pao Yuan Lung Tsa Tzu is the representative of Tsa Tzu books ; which differs than the previous types .

  20. 在中国的传统文化中,龙被信奉为万物之王、人类的始祖。

    In the tradition of Chinese culture , the dragon is believed to be the king of all creatures and the ancestor for human being .

  21. 在田野调查中,笔者以当地的织锦传承人、道公、民间龙被收藏家为调查对象,对他们进行走访。

    In the fieldwork , the author to the local brocade successors , male , folk dragon by collectors as the investigation object , they visit .

  22. 而那尼姑更是描绘龙的形象为有三种:一是黄身白鳞,一是兰身黑鳞和黑身绿鳞。

    The Buddhist nun described the dragon as three types : yellow body with white scales , blue body with black scales and dark body with green scales .

  23. 随着现代社会的发展,人们以龙的精神为出发点,对传统的龙形象加以改造,并结合现代元素将其运用到各种设计之中。

    As the development of society , people modified the traditional dragon forms with the spirit of the dragons , and applied it to various designs combined with modern elements .

  24. 我市的通机行业一般以汽油机动力为核心,逐步形成了隆鑫通机、宗申通机、华伟联龙等企业为龙头的整机装配企业集团;

    The gasoline engine motivity is the core of GM industry in Chongqing and gradually formed the leading enterprises of complete machine assembly , such as the Loncin , Zongshen and Huawei Lianlong , etc.

  25. 龙与龙语为一体两面。

    The dragon and the speech of the dragon are one .

  26. 聚龙酒店被称为春城餐饮界的亮丽风景,优质的服务和纯良的特色使她独具魅力。

    JuLong Hotel is called the bright scenery of the spring city dining field .

  27. 中国龙时常被视为神的保护和警醒的符号。

    The Chinese Dragon is often seen as the symbol of divine protection and vigilance .

  28. 铟的含量存在以龙箱盖岩体为中心向四周逐渐降低,随深度增加而提高的规律。

    And the content of tin is increased with depth and gradually decreased around Longxianggai rock .

  29. 作为一名受人尊敬的数学家,龙比亚被誊为对数的发明者。

    An eminent mathematician , he is regarded as the inventor of the system of logarithms .

  30. 黄河中游水土保持措施保存率分析及措施状况评述&以黄河河龙区间南片为例

    Study on remain percentages and present conditions of water and soil conservation measures in the middle reaches of the Yellow River