
zhuānɡ xiū ɡōnɡ sī
  • decoration company
  1. 同时作为独家装修公司,办公室使用。

    Also suitable as an exclusive decoration company , offices .

  2. 在创立第一家85度C之前,吴政学曾开过发廊、鞋底工厂和装修公司,还有几家别的公司。

    Before opening the first 85C store , he had set up a hair salon , a shoe-sole factory and an interior decoration business , among several others .

  3. 如果有必要,我也可以在寻找新的装修公司。

    Or , if necessary , I may also look for other new decorating companies .

  4. 中产阶级倾向于雇用装修公司,后者则将工作转包给回扣最多的建筑队。

    The middle classes tend to hire decoration companies , which subcontract to whichever construction firm pays the best kickbacks .

  5. 装修公司没同他多纠缠,付款期限刚过,就将他告上法庭。

    Decorate a company to was not pestered more with him , pay time just passed , tell him the court .

  6. 业主和装修公司之间的协议往往有利于后者&装修费用中的大部分在工作还未完成前就必须交给装修公司。

    Agreements between homeowners and decorating companies are usually weighted in favour of the latter-with most of the money handed over well before completion .

  7. 他想更改合同,提出剩余材料由自己购买,也被装修公司拒绝。

    He wants to change a contract , put forward odd material to be bought by oneself , also be decorated the company refuses .

  8. 所以,法院最终认定装修公司合同欺诈的理由不成立,驳回了许先生的诉讼请求。

    So , the court is maintained finally decorate the reason with company con contract not to hold water , rejected the litigant request that makes a gentleman .

  9. 朱莉经营美发生意,嫁给43岁装修公司老板杰森。

    ' When they told me I had cancer , I thought my baby and I were both going to die ,' says Jolie , who has her own hairdressing business and is married to Jason , 43 , who runs a decorating company .

  10. 他在一个从事家庭装修的公司工作。

    He works for a company who do home improvements .

  11. 你们是房子装修服务公司的吗?

    Are you from the House Repair Service ?

  12. 北京市达新装饰装修工程公司。

    Beijing reached a new decoration engineering company .

  13. 一个位于槟城的装修工程公司–为您的新居装修献上物有所值和高品质的服务。

    A renovation and construction company in Penang-providing value and quality services for all your home renovations .

  14. 该公司是一家专业设计、生产、销售家纺面料软装修墙布公司。

    The company is a specialized company in designing , producing and selling on furnishing fabric and wall cloth .

  15. 近日,比较网站money.co.uk的创始人兼总经理克里斯·莫林斥资300万英镑重新装修了公司总部。该公司总部是一座被列为二级保护建筑的城堡,位于格洛斯特郡赛伦塞斯特,占地面积为1万平方英尺。

    Chris Morling , founder and managing director of comparison website money.co.uk , recently spent 3 million pounds renovating company headquarters - a 10000 sq ft Grade II-listed castle in Cirencester , Gloucestershire .

  16. 店面专修:全国统一装修,由公司派专人进行验收,装修费用由商家自行承担。

    Store decoration : We use the unity decoration form , the company would send specialists to check the result , the decoration cost woud all by the business men .

  17. 我发现在水电管路装修中,各个公司和游击队的做法上不同。

    I found that water and electricity lines in the decoration of various companies and different practices guerrillas .

  18. 林江是北京新富,在北京一家IT公司担任运营总监,但他放弃去装修华丽的百货公司购物。每个星期,他都会去逛北京火车站附近的一家小店寻找古董首饰。

    BEIJING , Oct.3 ( Xinhua ) & A chief executive officer at an IT company , Lin Jiang is one of Beijing 's new rich , but he spurns flash department stores .

  19. 想要装修更放心,选择一家信誉好,实力强的装修公司是您一劳永逸的最佳方案。

    Want to decorate more be at ease , it is good to choose a credit , actual strength decorates the optimal program that the company is your get sth done once and for ever by force .