
  • 网络art deco;ornamentalism;ornamentation
  1. 一个装饰主义风格的三角形晚装手袋应该会引起激烈的竞价,这个手袋非比寻常,表面镀银,外面再覆以黑釉。其估价约为300英镑,可说是物美价廉。

    There should be fierce bidding for a very unusual art deco triangular evening bag in silver metal overlaid in black enamel , a snip at around 300 .

  2. 巴西圣保罗鞋履设计师莱恩•马里尼奥(LaneMarinho)创作的剪纸拼贴与油画图案是设计装饰主义的手工缝制凉鞋的关键。

    The paper-cut collage and oil paintings that S ã o Paulo shoe designer Lane Marinho produces are an intrinsic step in the creation of her decorative , hand-stitched sandals .

  3. 中国元素的装饰主义设计

    Decorative Design of ' Chinese Elements '

  4. 新装饰主义运动和极繁主义风格席卷欧美。

    The new adornment doctrine exercises to roll up Europe and America and very heavy doctrine style .

  5. 营建时间与过程造成的立面总体风格是结合古典主义、文艺复兴、巴洛克的欧风装饰主义。

    In general , the style is influenced of the merging of Classicism , Renaissance and Baroque .

  6. 后现代主义为了纠正这一缺陷,提倡设计中的装饰主义、隐喻主义及文脉主义。

    In order to correct this flaw , The postmodernism advocates in the design Arnamentation , Allusionism and Contextualtion .

  7. 但是,在那些呻吟与装饰主义者的专制之下的行业里,手艺好坏是不分的。

    But in every trade which languishes under the tyranny of the ornamentalists , neither good nor bad work is valued .

  8. 而园林小品则具有强烈的新装饰主义艺术细节,充分体现了社区尊贵典雅的大家风范。

    While details with strong neo-art deco style are reflected in the garden ornaments , which fully presnts the dignified and elegant quality of the community .

  9. 项目简介:设计采用新装饰主义,售楼处休闲空间采用线条感和序列感很强的铺装形式来体现出装饰艺术风格的特点。

    Design Description : The neo-Art Deco style is adopted in this project which is reflected by the linear and sequential paving in the leisure space of the sales office area .

  10. 欧艺橱柜,源自欧洲的艺术生活,以简单的造型表现装饰主义华贵的美,挺直简练的直线条,干净利落,轻松缔造全新的居厨生活标准。

    Osoft kitchen , the art of living from europe , expressing showy beauty with the simple sculpt , straight and concise beeline is neat , Creating the Brandnew Kitchen and Life Standard Breezily .

  11. 用格状结构组成或装饰野兽主义一种建筑风格,特点是展示未经装饰的巨大构件。

    To construct or furnish with a lattice or latticework . A style of architecture characterized by massive or monolithic forms typically unrelieved by exterior decoration .

  12. 这本书描述了最具有活力的城市之一&纽约,正在发生的一系列成型、发展和创新的过程,建筑理念新哥特、艺术装饰和理性主义。

    It also features the neo-Gothic , Art Deco and Rationalism buildings which have contributed to molding the booming , revolutionary character that represents one of the most vibrant cities on the planet .

  13. 此外,受到沿海开埠地区的影响,西方装饰艺术和现代主义建筑思潮在西安近代建筑中都有所反应。

    In addition , by the coastal areas of its inception , Xi ' an Modern architecture has the reaction of national revival , art deco and modernism in Western architecture .