
  • 网络New Modernist Architecture;Neomodern
  1. 在观念的比较中认识新现代主义建筑

    The Neo-Modernism : an Interpretation in the Idea Comparison

  2. 新现代主义建筑潮流浅析

    Simple analysis of neo-modernism architecture trend CONSTRUCTION QUERIES

  3. 新现代主义建筑论(上)

    Comment on New Modern Architecture (ⅰ)

  4. 白玉有瑕魅力无穷&库哈斯新现代主义建筑理论的最初影响

    THE GREAT CHARM OF A INPERFECT JADE the initial influence of the koolhaas ` architectural theory of modernism

  5. 造型简洁,构图灵活,标志着新现代主义建筑风格的形成。798厂正是这种实用与简洁完美结合的典范。

    Its simple sculpt and flexible layout symbolizes the formation of modern architecture , and " 798 " factory is exactly the mirror of perfect combination of utility and simplicity .

  6. 文章尝试在与现代主义、后现代主义建筑观的对比中,辨析新现代主义建筑的内涵所在,以期在当代文化思维变化的背景中,对当代建筑的发展趋向有所认识和把握。

    In this paper , we attempt to grasp the meaning of the Neo-Modernism by comparing it with Modernism and Post Modernism , so as to recognize the development trend of the contemporary architecture in the background of the contemporary culture thought changes .

  7. 尤其是地域性与时代性相结合的创作形式成为新时期现代主义建筑的重要发展方向。

    Especially the combination between regionality and times is the important direction of modern architectural development in the future .

  8. 通过探讨新现代主义中的非理性观念,并通过哲学和美学思想的发展轨迹,对新现代主义思潮、流派和思想基础作了研究,指出新现代主义是当前建筑界的主流。

    Through discussing irrational concept in new modernism architecture and development track of philosophic and aesthetic thoughts , this paper studies the thoughts , schools and ideological foundations of new modernism , and points out that new modernism is the main stream in current construction industry .