
  • 网络news facts
  1. 新闻事实的选择不可忽视道德评价

    Choosing Newsworthy Facts Must Not Overlook Moral Evaluation

  2. 传播主体对新闻事实的选择,是最终形成报道的关键。

    Communication subject choosing newsworthy facts is the key to form a news repot finally .

  3. 而yellowjournalism是指为了追求惊悚不顾新闻事实的新闻报道方法,标题党也可以算是一种吧。

    And then there is yellow journalism , basically a type of journalism meant to sensationalize news stories to sell papers .

  4. 客观性从一种信念变为一种程式,变为一种对新闻事实的处理常规。

    From a faith to professional rituals , objectivity produces rules dealing with news facts .

  5. 报道的不仅仅是新闻事实,更是新闻事实背后的事实,事件的内在因素和整体关系。

    And it reports not only ews fact but also the intrinsic factor hiding news fact .

  6. 情态信息是新闻事实所蕴涵的情感色彩以及传播主体的主观评价。

    Modal information refers to the emotional factors behind news facts and relative subjective viewpoints of journalists .

  7. 它的主要功能是要塑造和引导社会舆论,就是通过作者对新闻事实、新闻话题的分析,议论和说理来发表意见。

    Its main function is to shape and lead social consensus through analyzing news facts and topics .

  8. 因此,挖掘新闻事实中所蕴含的价值,使新闻价值实现最大化,已成为各路媒体记者的立身之本。

    Therefore , exploring the value behind news report comes to be an essence of media reporting for all correspondents .

  9. 组合报道是一种针对同一新闻事实或同一新闻主题所进行的全方位、立体化的深度报道。

    Combined reports are kind of in-depth reports , which use comprehensive and three-dimensional reports analyze the facts or news .

  10. 研究电视出镜记者和采访对象的人际交流,有利于出镜记者更好的挖掘、报道新闻事实。

    The study on the interpersonal communication of on-camera journalist and interviewee is beneficial for journalists to cover the truth .

  11. 媒体与司法的本质差别,导致了新闻事实和法律事实的不同。

    It is the essential difference between media and judicial that leads to the difference of the facts and legal facts .

  12. 发掘了新闻事实四层次律,给新闻写作以切实的指导;

    He discovers " the rule of four gradations in facts of news " which can provide guidance for news writing .

  13. 案件新闻事实是内涵法制理念的事实,是包含着复合因果关系的事实,是蕴涵是非两极的事实。

    The fact of the case news is the fact of connotation of legal theory , the fact implying two extremes .

  14. 本文作者认为:一是要从整体上把握好新闻事实的事和新闻评论的理之间的关系;

    In author 's opinion : firstly , we should deal with the relation between the news reality and news comment well ;

  15. 这样我们就可以将新闻事实叙述得更清楚,思想感情表达得更真切,新闻语言运用得更生动。

    This will press the fact that we can describe more clearly express thoughts and feelings more real , more vivid language news .

  16. 传媒既要如实报道新闻事实,又要注意新闻报道与社会稳定之间的关系。

    Mass media not only reports the facts news truthfully , but also pays attention to the relationship between news coverage and social stability .

  17. 媒体的报道框架,不仅框定新闻事实,也将会框定社会公众对大学生的评价。

    The frame work of the media coverage , not only framing the news the fact that the public will also be framed on the evaluation of college students .

  18. 新闻事实有不依赖主观意志而改变的基本特性,新闻报道要如实地反映事实的本来面目。

    News fact , as its basic characteristic suggests , is independent of the subjective will . News reports , consequently , should reflect the whole nature of the facts .

  19. 上周刊登的漫画嘲讽的是《纽约时报》青年黑人记者杰森-布莱尔数月来在文章中捏造新闻事实被披露一事。

    Last week 's cartoon played on the revelation that Jayson Blair , a young black reporter at the TheNewYorkTimes , had been falsifying material in his articles for several months .

  20. 它把新闻事实故事的方式来讲述,使新闻报道充满趣味性和人情味,大大增强新闻报道的可读性和贴近性,为新闻报道提供一种新的思路和方式。

    It narrates the truth of a story , enriching fun and humanity , enforcing the report 's readability and bond with reader and providing a new concept and method for news reporting .

  21. 但是,国家利益和意识形态会潜移默化地发生作用,影响其对新闻事实和背景材料的选择与组织、消息来源的引用以及语言的使用。

    However , national interests and ideology will play a role that subtly influences the selection and organization of news facts and background material , the citation of sources and the use of language .

  22. 要从新闻事实的特性出发,注意当前形势迫切需要的,以及受众普遍关心、感兴趣的,具有普遍意义的观点或倾向。

    It asks to set out from the fact of the news character , pay attention to the current situation urgently needed , audience interest , and have common sense point of view or tendency .

  23. 如果记者只是单纯地用宏观语言概括新闻事实,而不注意捕捉新闻事实当中的细节,势必会出现语言的笼统和僵化。

    If the reporter is simply reported the fact with empty language , but not pay attention to the fact that among the details of the news , this will bring the general and empty language .

  24. 随着受众文化层次的提高、报纸社会角色的变化以及现代通讯传播技术的发展,以散文化的手段来处理新闻事实,已成为传播者与受众所普遍认同的新闻理念。

    It has become a common idea that the facts of news are delt with by means of prose style , following the rising of audience ′ s culture level , the change of roles of news papers , the development of communicating techniques .

  25. 和严肃新闻(事实新闻、世界事件分析)。

    To the serious , which focus on factual news and the analysis of world events .

  26. 新闻就是事实。

    News is fact itself .

  27. 那则新闻歪曲了事实

    That piece of news have do violence to the truth

  28. 新闻真实是事实性真实、过程性真实、有限度的真实、即时性真实。

    The authenticity of news is the authenticity of accuracy , procession , limitation , and immediate .

  29. 从大多数的头条新闻上简单事实入手:英国的监狱里人满为患。

    Start with one simple fact behind most of the headlines : Britain 's prisons are bursting at the seams .

  30. 这个接收的过程直接指向于新闻文本建构事实的过程,这个过程应当和事实本身得到同等的关注。

    This acceptance process directly relates to the process of news text buildup , it deserves the same level of attention as the fact itself .