
zhuānɡ pèi chē jiān
  • assembly shop;assembly floor;adjusting shop;assembling department
  1. 该机多用于机械制造、装配车间及仓库、山洞等场所。

    This machine uses in places and so on machine manufacture , Assembly shop and warehouse , cave .

  2. 对生产物流系统建模和仿真的方法进行研究,利用仿真软件eMPlant分别建立该汽车制造厂的总装配车间在改造前和改造后的仿真模型。

    The before and after adjustment simulation models are built base on eM_Plant for the assembly shop of automobile factory .

  3. RFID技术在生产装配车间中的应用

    Application of RFID in Workshops of Distribution

  4. 在已有GRASP的基础上,提出一种改进GRASP来解决装配车间调度优化问题。

    On the basis of current GRASP , presents an advanced GRASP to solve assembly workshops scheduling optimization problems .

  5. 流水线装配车间生产计划中时区处理的研究

    Time Interval Analysis for the Production Planning of Assembly Line Shop

  6. 车用空调装配车间集成化生产作业管理系统

    Integrated production operation management system for assembly workshop of automotive air-conditioning

  7. 某装配车间特大吨位吊车梁系统设计

    Design of especially tonnage crane beam system in an assembly workshop

  8. 大众汽车德累斯顿双层幕墙装配车间

    Automobile factory of Volkswagen AG with double-layer curtain wall , Dresden

  9. 装配车间的多品种变批量的生产调度优化模型

    Optimization model of production scheduling on the assemble shop floor

  10. 装配车间配有先进的母线加工机和母线搪锡设备。

    Configuration workshop has advanced bus processing machine and Lining tin equipment .

  11. 基于工业工程技术的某装配车间工作改进研究

    Improvement for Some Assembly Shop Based on Industrial Engineering Technology

  12. 装配车间通过组合不同的组件智能元完成产品的开发。

    The assembly shop incorporates the related CAs to develop a new product .

  13. 介绍了精密阀门装配车间应具备的条件及注意的问题。

    Introduces necessary conditions and problems involved of assembly workshop for precision valve .

  14. 职责四:指导及监督装配车间的业务管理工作。

    Monitoring and guiding the whole workshop assembly processing .

  15. 某汽车座椅装配车间物流建模与仿真研究

    Research on Modeling and Simulation of Logistics in an Automobile Seat Assembly Shop

  16. 基于工作流的装配车间可配置制造执行系统

    A Configurable Manufacturing Execution System for an Assembly Plant Based on Workflow Technology

  17. 工业工程在发动机装配车间的应用

    The Application of IE in Engine Assembly Workshop

  18. 精密阀门装配车间的一般条件

    General conditions of assembly workshop for precision valve

  19. 汽车装配车间零部件订单跟踪系统的设计研究

    Barcode Order Tracking System for Auto Assemblage

  20. 她在装配车间干活。

    She works in a fitting shop .

  21. 文中提出三种新方法来解决汽车装配车间生产计划与调度的同时优化问题。

    Three new approaches is presented to the simultaneous production planning and scheduling problem in automobile assembly workshops .

  22. 设计结构形式是按大面积汽车装配车间的工艺要求,与管线布置进行选择的。

    Type of the structure was selected according to the technological requirements and pipeline arrangement of the workshop .

  23. 装配车间(如工厂中者).杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。

    An assembly plant , eg in a factory Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory .

  24. 安装在汽车装配车间或汽车喷漆烤漆车间,作为顶棚滤棉。

    Medium efficiency filter installed in the automobile assembling plants and auto paint spray booths as the ceiling filters .

  25. 装配车间:我们可以从短裙的灵感,我们的产品包装上,因此应吸引顾客。

    Assembly workshop : we get inspiration from the short skirt , our product packaging so should attract customers .

  26. 而装配车间一般具有很强且变化的背景噪声,无法测量驱动桥的噪声。

    Because of the intense and varying background noise in assembly plant , noises of the drive axle can not be measured .

  27. 公司也投入大量资金以提高产品质量,并在意大利增加了一个新的装配车间以提高产量。

    C policy is to invest a lot in quality and in increasing its production with a new additional Italian Production Plant .

  28. 具有丰富的汽车行业生产现场管理经验,有冲压、机加、装配车间管理经验者优先;

    Rich experience on floor operation management with automotive company , preferable with workshop management experience on stamping , machining or assembly .

  29. 扶梯装配车间的精益生产活动成为整个公司的持续改善活动的一个良好开端,为公司全面推进精益生产方式打下基础。

    Lean manufacture project of escalator assemble line is a good start of the continuous improvement process and establishes the basis of Lean manufacture actualization in the whole company .

  30. 在传统的生产管理模式下,各生产车间和采购部门按照生产作业计划的要求,为装配车间提供各类零部件。

    Under traditional manufacture management system , each workshop and purchasing department provide a variety of components for assembling workshop respectively according to the requirement of product manufacturing plan .