
  • 网络effectiveness;benefit
  1. 由于产业结构不合理,造成吉林省工业产业层次不高、企业效益不佳、经济运行质量差。

    As the irrational industrial structure , resulting in lower industrial level , bad enterprise effectiveness , poor economic performance in Jilin Province .

  2. 因此,全面开展变压器经济运行对降低企业成本、增加企业效益具有重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance for reducing costs and increasing effectiveness for caring out economic operation of transformer .

  3. 澄清中和工序是制糖生产过程中关键工序之一,蔗汁pH值及温度的控制好坏,直接影响糖厂的糖份回收率、产品质量和企业效益。

    Clarification neutralize is the key processes in the sugar production . The control of pH-value and temperature on cane juice directly affects the recovery , product quality and private benefits of sugar .

  4. 根据知识的可扩散、贬值、增值特点,结合ABC模型和Bass模型对知识项目价值和企业效益间的动态关系进行了探究,并给出了相应的动态关系变化模型。

    According to the knowledge characteristics of diffusion , depreciation , and growth with time , based on the ABC model and Bass model , this paper explores the dynamic relation between value of knowledge item and enterprise benefits and supposes a corresponding model .

  5. 企业效益点分析与石化计量管理信息系统设计

    Refineries measuring management information system based on analyzing enterprise value point

  6. 运用网络营销提高企业效益

    To improve benefit of enterprises by using the internet marketing

  7. 多元化战略是提高企业效益和经营安全性的重要战略。

    Diversification stratagem is a important stratagem to improve enterprise benefit and management security .

  8. 减少浪费,提高了企业效益。

    Reduce waste , improve enterprise efficiency .

  9. 发展循环经济提高企业效益

    Development cycle economy and improving enterprise profits

  10. 优化计量管理增强企业效益

    Optimize Measuring Management to Increase Enterprise Profits

  11. 中国国有企业效益审计问题研究

    Chinese State-owned Enterprise Performance Audit Study

  12. 强化品质管理,提高企业效益;增强客户信心,扩大市场份额。

    Strengthen quality management , improve enterprise efficiency , enhance customer confidence and expand market share .

  13. 油品零售价格到位是关系到企业效益的大问题。

    Promotion of oil retail price is a big problem related to the benefit of enterprises .

  14. 安全是生产之本,是企业效益的前提。

    Safety is the root of production and the prerequisite for the benefits of an enterprise .

  15. 氧化铁行业目前面临着原料价格上涨、企业效益下滑的严峻形势。

    Ferric oxide industry is faced with severe situation , material price increasing and profit decreasing .

  16. 顾客满意与企业效益

    Customer Satisfaction and Enterprise Benefit

  17. 人们也不再仅仅满足于单纯的依靠增加员工数量来增加企业效益。

    People are not content simply to increase the number of employees on purely to increase profit .

  18. 优化施工项目的资源配置是决定项目成本和企业效益的核心问题。

    To optimize the resources disposition of construction projects is the core of determining project cost and enterprise benefit .

  19. 大量放散的可燃废气,既浪费能源,又污染环境和影响企业效益,应设法加以利用。

    Volumes of combustible exhaust-gases from different industries and coal mines have caused air pollution , energy and economic losses .

  20. 因此,产品的服务和维修的水平已经成为决定企业效益和可信任度的一个关键。

    Therefore , the service and maintenance level of products have become the critical of the enterprise 's profit and credit .

  21. 现代经济是信用经济,商业信用作为提高企业效益和增强竞争能力的工具,在现代经济中发挥着重要的作用。

    Modern economic is credit economic . Trade credit is the tool for raising enterprise benefit and enhancing enterprise market competence .

  22. 成功的人力资源管理可以有效提高企业效益,帮助企业获得长远的竞争优势。

    The successful human resource management can improve the enterprises ' benefit efficiently ; also can help to obtain long-term competitive advantage .

  23. 国有企业效益低下的主要原因在于缺乏有效的经营者激励约束机制。

    The main reason of the low benefit of state-owned enterprise lies in lacking of effective incentive and restraint mechanism for the managers .

  24. 扩大就业岗位,保障职工收入与企业效益同步增长;

    Second , to increase job positions so as to make staff 's income increasing together with the development of enterprise 's benefit .

  25. 本文提出了一种有效的成本动态管理方法与流程,希望通过该方法来实现企业效益和管理水平的提高。

    The paper presents an effective method and proceeding of real-time cost management in order to improve efficiency and management level of project management .

  26. 然而在笔者的调查研究中发现,在外包强度一定的条件下,企业效益的好坏更多的受外包关系的影响。

    However , the author investigated and found that when the outsourcing intensity in certain conditions , the enterprise benefit is affected more by outsourcing relationship .

  27. 在聚乙烯生产中,根据生产牌号的需求,精确控制熔融指数及密度对企业效益的提高有重要的意义。

    In the process of production , accurate controls of MI & density according to request of production grade are significant to the profit for the enterprise .

  28. 开发先进制造装备、提高现有制造装备的能力和利用率,是提高制造企业效益的有效措施之一。

    Developing advanced manufacturing equipments and improving capability and utility of available manufacturing equipments , are one of the effective measures for improving the benefit of manufacturing enterprices .

  29. 开展高油大豆种质资源的创新及利用,有利于加快育种进程、缩短育种年限、增加农民收入、提高油脂企业效益;

    Creation and utilization of high oil soybean germplasm resources is benefit for accelerating breeding progress , shortening years , increasing peasants ' income and promoting oil corporation revenue .

  30. 在整个闭环供应链的决策中,产品的定价决策是关系到企业效益和整个闭环供应链绩效的关键一环。

    In the whole decision-making of closed-loop supply chain , the product pricing decisions is a key element related to enterprise efficiency and performance of the closed-loop supply chain .