
  • 网络Nature of the enterprise;the nature of the firm;the nature of firm
  1. 团队生产、计量难题与企业的性质

    Team Production , Measuring Problem and the Nature of the Firm

  2. 企业的性质:公司治理角度的分析&一个解构性假说

    The Nature of the Firm Revisited : A Perspective of Deconstruction

  3. 应用复杂适应系统(CAS)理论分析现代企业的性质,特别讨论当今企业管理由他组织向自组织的变革。

    This paper uses the CAS theory to analyze the property of modern enterprise and discusses the self-organization transformation .

  4. 企业的性质:一个综合的观点

    On the Nature of Enterprises : A Comprehensive Point of View

  5. 从股份合作制企业的性质看其表决权

    Nature of a Joint stock Enterprise and the Right to Vote

  6. 外贸企业的性质决定了,人才是其拥有的最宝贵的资源。

    Without question , valuable talents are the most precious resources .

  7. 从生命周期角度探究企业的性质

    Analysis on the Nature of Enterprises from the View of Life Circle

  8. 《企业的性质》与企业的性质

    " Nature of the Firm " and the Nature of the Firm

  9. 分析了零售企业的性质、竞争演进模式、竞争环

    Competitiveness . It analyses the nature of retail enterprise , competition evolution

  10. 论乡镇企业的性质和法律地位

    On the Nature and Legal Position of Town Enterprises

  11. 其成本和负担有多大仅仅在一定程度上取决于企业的性质。

    How costly and burdensome depends only partly on the nature of the business .

  12. 研究表明:①企业的性质对企业的违约概率有较大的影响。

    Research showed that : ① the nature of business affects default probability greatly .

  13. 国有企业的性质

    The nature of the State - owned enterprise

  14. 国有企业的性质决定了它的所有权与经营权天然的分离。

    The division of ownership and management is determined by the nature of state-owned enterprises .

  15. 企业的性质及其利益关系研究

    On the Nature and Interests of Firm

  16. 从研究企业的性质出发,通过价值生产和价值实现两条路径论证了企业生命存在的意义。

    This paper demonstrates the significance of enterprise life from value production and value realization .

  17. 对理财目标的研究,应当以明了企业的性质为前提。

    To understand the firm 's nature is the premise of researching the financial management goal .

  18. 公有制企业的性质

    The Nature of Publicly owned Enterprise

  19. 燃气企业的性质决定其必须建立完善的安全管理体系。

    The nature of gas enterprises determines that a perfect safety management system must be established .

  20. 从科斯1937年发表《企业的性质》开始,真正提出了企业理论。

    Since Ronald Coase issued the n 1937 , the theory of firms was set up .

  21. 他还从共同财产问题和延留义务的角度揭示了企业的性质。

    He also reveals the nature of enterprises from the perspectives of common property and delaying obligations .

  22. 不要简单地根据生产资料归谁所有来划分企业的性质。

    The nature of enterprise should not be fixed simply in light of possession of the means of production .

  23. 本文认为企业的性质是有限理性和异质性,企业的有限理性表现在3个方面,异质性表现在5个方面。

    The bounded rationality of enterprises embodies in three areas , and heterogeneity of enterprises embodies in five areas .

  24. 研究还发现,经理人员成就取向的结构特征还与个人的年龄、职务层次、从事管理工作年限以及所在企业的性质等因素有关。

    The manager 's achievement orientation was also related with the variables of age , tenure and position level .

  25. 企业的性质可以概括为:企业是追求分工经济与协作经济的要素所有者结合的产物。

    The quality of firms can be concluded : firms are sets of resource owners pursuing division and cooperation returns .

  26. 主流经济学,关于企业的性质,有部分学者认为企业是完全理性和同质性。

    As for the nature of the enterprises , the current mainstream economics implied two assumptions : Completely rationality and homogeneity of enterprises .

  27. 从人力资本与物质资本博弈角度重新诠释企业的性质,确立了企业家的中心契约地位,奠定了研究的逻辑起点;

    It redefines the nature of enterprises , establishes the entrepreneur 's leading status , thus settling the jumping-off point of this research ;

  28. 奖金的存在反映出了金融企业的性质,在这里,劳动力从来都是很大的一块成本,而收入却不那么稳定。

    The existence of bonuses reflected the nature of financial businesses , where labour always represented a major cost , while revenues were volatile .

  29. 科技型中小企业的性质决定了其以知识型职员为主体的人才结构,确定了企业的核心竞争力不是产品,不是资本,而是企业所拥有的人才。

    The properties of high-tech SMEs decide that their core competitiveness are not products , not capitals , but talents belong to the enterprises .

  30. 公司治理结构的本质决定于企业的性质,它是一个企业契约,是一个人力资本与非人力资本的特别合约。

    The nature of corporate governance determined by the nature of firm is a contract a particular contract between human capital and non human capital .