
  • 网络Business scope of enterprise;Business Scope of the Enterprise
  1. 企业经营范围的优化决策分析

    Optimal Decision Analysis of Business Scope of Enterprise

  2. 企业名称中行业用语表述的内容应当与企业经营范围一致。

    The contents of the sector expression in an enterprise name shall conform to the business scope of the enterprise .

  3. 论企业经营范围的法律属性

    Legal Attributes of a Business 's Scope of Operation

  4. 纵向规模不经济的观点对这一问题给出了一个清晰的研究思路,因为企业经营范围从学理上就是企业的纵向规模问题。

    Diseconomies of vertical scale gives a clear research idea about this question , because business scope is business vertical scale on academic point .

  5. 为了完成企业经营范围自动分类方法的研究,我们对企业经营范围进行了比较全面的分析。

    In order to complete the research on automatic classification methods of enterprise business scope , we had a more comprehensive analysis of enterprise business scope .

  6. 企业经营范围是管理学科和经济学科关注的基本问题,也是事关企业竞争优势的重要的结构性成本动因。

    Business scope which is concerned by management discipline and economic discipline is a basic question , which is also an important structural cost driver of competitive advantage .

  7. 企业经营范围自动分类及多语种经营范围术语自动获取通气孔周围也很敏感并且捕获的动物强烈的反抗碰触这个位置。

    Automatic Classification of Enterprise Business Scope and Automatic Acquisition of Multi-Lingual Business Scope Terms The area around the blowhole is also particularly sensitive and captive animals often object strongly to being touched there .

  8. 从事零售业务的合营商业企业的经营范围

    The operation scopes of retail-oriented jointly-operated commercial enterprises are

  9. 围绕企业的经营范围,有多种观点,现实中也有多种企业经营策略。

    There are a lot of points about business scope and a variety of business strategies in reality .

  10. 分支机构的经营范围不得超出外商投资合伙企业的经营范围。

    The scope of business of the branch office may not exceed the scope of business of the foreign-funded partnership enterprise .

  11. 企业的经营范围由企业登记机关根据投资人或者企业的申请依法登记。

    The business scope of an enterprise shall be registered by enterprise registration organs according to law upon the application of investors or the enterprise .

  12. 互为代理意味着任何一个合伙人都有权在企业常规经营范围内代表企业签定合同。

    Mutual agency in a partnership means that every partner can bind the business to a contract within the scope of the partner-ship 's regular business operations .

  13. 前向一体化:在原料转化为最终产品的过程中,企业的经营范围涉及其中一个以上的生产阶段。

    Forward integration : Refers to a firm whose activities extend over more than one subsequent stage of the production process of transforming raw materials into final goods .

  14. 但外包在某种意义上说是将企业的经营范围缩小,意味着企业边界的减小,可在现实中,成功实施外包的企业无不是急剧的膨胀。

    Although from some point of view , outsourcing means a kind of decrease in the boundary of corporation , all the corporations who use this model successfully become bigger and bigger .

  15. 企业的经营范围本质上属于市场主体意思自治范畴,除国家限制经营,特许经营及法律、行政法规禁止经营外,不应对企业的经营范围有任何实体上和程序上的限制。

    A business 's scope of operation essentially belongs in the field of autonomy of the will of market subject . So , no other substantial or procedural restrictions can be imposed on it except restraint of operation , franchise and prohibition of operation by law and regulations .

  16. 论企业多元化经营的范围经济性

    The economics of scope of enterprises ' diversified operation

  17. 企业多元化经营的范围经济与风险分析

    The Analysis on the Economy of Scope and Risk of the Enterprise 's Diversification

  18. 有确定的企业名称和经营范围;以出版物发行为主营业务;

    Having a definite enterprise name and a well-defined business scope ; Considering the distribution of publications as its / his main business ;

  19. (二)合营企业的宗旨、经营范围和合营期限;

    The purpose of the joint venture , the scope of its business operations , and its term ;

  20. 无论企业的规模和经营范围,几乎每一家企业在经营过程中都使用资产的耐用属性。

    Almost every business enterprise of any size or activity uses assets of a durable nature in its operations .

  21. 文章阐述了属地化后的地勘单位进行企业化经营的适应范围,企业化经营模式的选择。

    The paper sets forth appropriate scope , pattern selection and difficulty of running geological exploration organization as business .

  22. (四)兼营广告业务的企业,应当办理经营范围变更登记。

    For enterprises concurrently engaged in advertising business , applications shall be filed with the relevant departments for change of business scope registration .

  23. 企业的发展战略是确定企业经营方向和经营范围的重要依据,是统筹企业各项工作的纲。

    Fix the important basis that enterprises deal in the direction and business scope in the development strategies of enterprises , it is a key link of every work of pool enterprise .

  24. 商事变更不影响企业的财产关系,包括企业名称、企业住所、经营范围、设立分支机构等。

    Commercial changes will not influence the responsibility of property , when enterprises to rename or relocate , business scope of enterprises varied and branches of enterprise to setup .

  25. 随着企业合并的浪潮和世界经济一体化趋势的推动,企业的经营活动范围已不再受到行业和地区的限制。

    With the trend of business merger and economic globalization , business operations are no more confined to a certain industry or area .

  26. 拟成立企业正式名一个,备用名二个(中英文),以及拟成立企业经营范围。

    Business scope , one formal name , two optional names both in English and Chinese for the company to be set up .

  27. 比较企业的竞争力不能仅比较利润率等几个具体经济指标,而必须对企业经营的特定领域范围进行具体分析。

    To compare the competitiveness of enterprises is not just to make comparison on some economic specifications but more importantly to analyze their specific business fields .