
  • 网络corporate reputation;company reputation
  1. 然后用层次分析法(AHP)建立了7个关键性指标(因子指标)与浙江地区企业声誉之间的定量关系模型。

    Then by Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP ), we found the quantitative relationship of these 7 key indexes with Zhejiang corporate reputation .

  2. 本文将Grahame企业声誉的理论模型运用于仆从领导文化与企业声誉管理内在关系的研究。

    This article applies Grahame 's theoretical model of corporate reputation to inherent relations between the culture of servant leadership and corporate reputation management .

  3. 结合因子指标与底层指标的定量关系模型,最终得出了浙江地区企业声誉定量评价模型,即:浙江地区企业声誉指数(ZCRI)模型。

    Integrating with the quantitative relationship of key indexes with bottom indexes , we built the quantitative-evaluated model of Zhejiang corporate reputation & Zhejiang Corporate Reputation Index ( ZCRI ) .

  4. 员工感知企业声誉对员工组织情感承诺有正向预测作用:员工感知的企业声誉越好,其组织情感承诺越高;

    Employee perceptions of corporate reputation influences the employee affective commitment ;

  5. 组织机构持股状况等非财务指标对企业声誉表现出了出乎预料的重要影响。

    Institutional ownership shows an unexpected important influence on corporate reputation .

  6. 其二,基于全面质量提升企业声誉。

    Second , based on comprehensive quality promotion enterprise prestige .

  7. 顾客感知的企业声誉与顾客购买意向的关系研究

    The Relationships between Customer Perceived Corporate Reputation and Purchase Intentions

  8. 最后,验证了企业声誉量表在中国情境下的适用性。

    At last , test corporate reputation measurement model in Chinese business context .

  9. 如果你的企业声誉受损,你是无法责怪其他任何人的。

    You will have no one else to blame if your corporate reputation suffers .

  10. 构建企业声誉管理体系的对策研究

    Study of countermeasure in constructing enterprise report system

  11. 加强企业声誉管理的探讨

    Analysis on Strengthening the Enterprises ' Reputation Management

  12. 企业声誉一直是近年来国内外各界极为关注的焦点。

    Corporate reputation has always been the focus of concern at home and abroad .

  13. 企业声誉的影响因素及其对消费者口碑传播行为的作用

    The Influencing Factors of Corporate Reputation and its Impact on Consumers ' Word-of-Mouth Behavior

  14. 企业声誉;声誉机制;声誉管理;声誉信息;声誉标准;

    Corporate Reputation ; Reputation Mechanism ; Reputation Management ; Reputation Information ; Reputation Standard ;

  15. 企业声誉是一种宝贵资源。

    Corporate reputation is a precious resource .

  16. 大量的研究表明,电子商务企业声誉可以提升顾客信任。

    Massive research indicate , the reputation of e-commerce venture can promote customers to trust .

  17. 提高企业声誉和能力,吸引更多客户、供应商和求职人员。

    ENHANCES the company 's reputation and its ability to attract clients , suppliers and employees .

  18. 企业声誉问题的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Enterprises Reputation

  19. 内部控制缺陷导致股票价格下降、融资成本上升、企业声誉受到损害。

    Internal control deficiencies result in declining stock prices , financing costs rise , corporate reputation damage .

  20. 其次运用一次博弈和重复博弈剖析了企业声誉机制生成的机理;

    Then , it analyses the mechanism of reputation with the theory of one-time game and repeated game .

  21. 对企业声誉风险和敏感数据保护的高度关注还促使企业加强内部安全控制。

    Heightened focus on business-reputation risk and sensitive data protection is also driving closer internal scrutiny of controls .

  22. 其次,将企业声誉的效应研究延伸到了供应链更上游的企业,为将来企业声誉向供应量更下游企业的外溢效应提供研究思路。

    Second , the study on the effect of corporate reputation extends to the upstream supply chain enterprises .

  23. 随着经济的发展,声誉开始成为理论界研究的一个新兴的热点,企业声誉越来越受到人们的关注。

    With the development of the economy , the corporate reputation is keened by more and more people .

  24. 基于汽车产业的企业声誉在中德之间的对比研究&以宝马公司企业声誉的实证研究为例

    A Comparative Study of Corporate Reputation between Chinese and German Auto Industry & An Empirical Study of BMW

  25. 本文从经济学角度,首先阐述了企业声誉的涵义及其特征;

    To begin with , the paper expounds the significance and characteristics of enterprise reputation from the perspective of economics .

  26. 始终定期备份应用程序和数据,以避免不必要的延迟和可能的企业声誉及收入损失。

    Always backup your applications and data periodically to avoid unnecessary delay and possible loss of business reputation and revenue .

  27. 在本文中,企业声誉被定义为由情感反应和理性认知构成的态度结构。

    In this paper , corporate reputation is defined as an attitude construct composed of affective component and cognitive component .

  28. 有缺陷的产品——尤其是当这些缺陷构成潜在危险的时候——可能会对企业声誉带来特别沉重的打击。

    Defective products - especially when they are potentially dangerous - can take a disproportionate toll on a company 's reputation .

  29. 企业声誉对于服务承诺实施有效性(降低消费者风险感知、提高顾客信任)具有显著影响。

    While corporate reputation does significantly affect the effectiveness ( reducing perceived risks , enhancing consumer confidence ) of service guarantees .

  30. 总之,分析结果证明了以财务及非财务指标表征企业声誉影响因素具备一定的合理性。

    Anyhow , the analysis results prove that use the financial and nonfinancial index to characterize corporate reputation has certain rationality .