
  • labor cost;labour cost
  1. 分析了由于辅助船舶配套不足和配套不合理对挖泥时间利用率、工程量、人工费、修理费、利润等因素的影响;

    And makes an analysis of the influence of shortage and irrational disposition of auxiliary vessels upon the time utility factor of dredgers , quantity of works , labour cost , cost of repairs and profits .

  2. 项目法施工是国有施工企业转换经营机制的有效途径,此文重点从项目人工费的控制办法进行了探讨。

    Construction using the project method is an effective way to restructure the operating mechanism of state - owned construction enterprises . This article makes a probe mainly of the project total labour cost control method .

  3. 修理需要熟练技工,人工费会很昂贵。

    Repairs involve skilled labour , which can be expensive .

  4. 由于市政工程成本涉及到很多方面,包括人工费、机械费、材料费等,故引入ABC分类法对工程成本组成要素进行分类排列,分清重点和一般,从而有区别地确定控制的重点对象。

    The construction project cost involves many elements , include labor costs , machinery costs and material cost , etc. , so firstly ABC classification method is adopted to analysis main elements of the construction cost and distinguish priorities and general objects .

  5. 保修范围外的部件更换维修,我公司将收取部件费和人工费。

    Outside warranty conditions normal parts and labour costs will be charged .

  6. 浅析建筑安装工程人工费组成内容的调整

    The Analysis about Adjustment of Construction and Installment Current Labor Wage Contents

  7. 人工费在各个行业都大幅度攀升。

    Clerical costs ballooned in every deppartment of business .

  8. 此价格中包含人工费和材料费。

    The price will include the labour and materials .

  9. 分析原材料使用成本、人工费及生产效率。

    Analysis cost accounting for RM used , labor cost and efficiency production .

  10. 委内瑞拉某机务段修复工程人工费成本分析

    Analysis of labor cost of renovation project of a certain locomotive depot in Venezuela

  11. 在人工费、原料茧价格趋高的情况下,真空渗透煮茧工艺将为企业带来较大的经济利益。

    With labor cost and cocoon price rising , vacuum osmotic cocoon cooking will bring enterprises more economic benefits .

  12. 这笔钱用于支付人工费、房产维护、旅游、公共设施、家政等等。

    That money pays for staffing costs , property maintenance , travel , utilities and housekeeping , among other things .

  13. 从经济效益的角度分析美国堪萨斯市动力照明公司(KCP&L)实现变电站实时在线监测系统的情况,涉及巡查人工费、维修费、设备投资费用、人身事故保险费和停电赔偿费等。

    The benefits by installing real-time monitoring systems in existing substations of Kansas City Power & Light , US are described .

  14. 人工费:用标准工时数乘上人工费率,或者用每小时生产率除以人工费率。

    LABOR COST : Multiply the LABOR RATE by the STD HRS or LABOR RATE divided by the hourly production rate .

  15. 综上所述,我方再次申请对人工费政策性调整费用予以审核、商定。

    To sum up , our side again for the labor costs of policy adjustment costs to be audited , agreed .

  16. 从工程费用组成的角度分析定额计价和工程量清单计价模式浅析建筑安装工程人工费组成内容的调整

    Quota and BQ valuation model in construction cost composition The Analysis about Adjustment of Construction and Installment Current Labor Wage Contents

  17. 在原材料和人工费都没有变化的情况下,突然降价50%,你看到这样的情况会开心,还是感到担忧?

    Under the condition of some primary material and labor cost , will you happy or worry about a reduction of50 % ?

  18. 分析材料费、人工费、机械费等在土建工程各分部占有的造价绝对值。

    The absolute value of material cost , labor fees , machineries equipment fees in every branch of civil engineering had been analyzed .

  19. 经济费用指标指的是直接经济费用,包括:人工费、材料费、机械台班费。

    Economic cost index refers to the direct economic costs , including : artificial cost , material cost , cost of mechanical stage class .

  20. 参与制定工地各项规章制定,包括劳动纪律、材料管理制度、人工费管理,质量管理等。

    To involvement in setting site rules and regulation , include worker 's discipline , material management , worker 's salary and quality control and etc.

  21. 张家界夹烟永定区发夹式烟夹每千克干烟耗煤量、人工费和烘烤成本都较高。

    Zhangjiajie clamp smoke yongding district hairpin type smoke clamp per kg of dry smoke coal consumption , labor , and baking cost is higher .

  22. 第一层次认为现行分货种分操作过程装卸成本计算办法对装卸直接费用(人工费、机械费、工具费等)基本上查找了成本动因,是作业成本法思想的体现。

    The cost factors have been checked out for basic direct loading & unloading fees , which include labor fees , machineries equipment fees and tool fees .

  23. 本文从本次计价依据的历史突破、对定额人工费的调整、对安全防护、文明施工措施费的计取方式的科学合理三个方面进行阐述。

    This article describes in three aspects including historic breakthrough of this valuation basis , adjustment of rated labor fee , scientific valuation of safety protection and ethical construction fees .

  24. 保修期内发生的维修免收人工费及交通费,保修期外的维收取少量的人工费及交通费。

    During warranty period the labor and transportation costs for maintenance are free of charge ; out of this period we charge only a little of the labor and transportation costs .

  25. 公路施工企业制定详尽周密的施工预算,从人工费、材料费、机械费着手控制,降低成本,增加收益,从而实现工程利润。

    The enterprise of highway construction lays down detailed and thorough budget for construction , controls and reduces cost , increases income and achieves project profit proceed with expenses for manpower , materials and machines .

  26. 阐述了定额法制度下计算水利建筑安装工程费用的5种方法,并结合工程实例总结了选用计算方法的一般原则,提出“以人工费和机械费之和为基础的计算方法”。

    The calculation methods of the hydraulic construction and erection engineering cost in the rate system are stated . Combined with the project example , the ordinary principle of this calculation method and a new method are put forward .

  27. 阐述了加强施工阶段的人工费、材料费及机械费的成本管理,有效及合理的控制工期目标与质量目标是降低建设项目在施工阶段工程造价的关键。

    This article elaborates that strengthening the cost management of labor , materials machines ; and effective reasonable control over the targets of construction time and quality are the key to lessening the engineering cost of construction projects in the construction phase .

  28. 本次升级服务面对市场上所有用户,只收取人工成本费。

    The face of the market to upgrade service for all users , and only pay the cost of labor costs .

  29. 采用该技术劳动强度小,费用低,约为人工晾晒费的1/10。

    The technique has the advantages of low labour intensity , low cost , only 1 / 10 cost of that needed by drying in the air .

  30. 另外,酒店业中除了人工成本、折旧费、能源水耗等间接成本较高外,固定成本在酒店行业总成本重所占的比例也比较高。

    In addition , fixed costs in the hospitality industry have a heavy proportion too .