
  • 网络network;human network;social network
  1. 审视一下你的人际网络。

    Take a look at your own network .

  2. 你可能需要从鼓励你当前的人际网络开始,帮助你识别你的盲点。

    You may need to start by encouraging your current network to help you identify your blind spots .

  3. 要求社交隔离的疫情期间不是建立人际网络的一个好时机。

    A pandemic which requires social distancing is not a great moment for building your network .

  4. SNS(SocialnetworkingServices)社会网络服务,又称社交网络服务,是一种透过人际网络形成的互联网应用服务。

    SNS ( Social Networking Services ) social networking service , also known as social networking service , is a social network formed through the Internet application services .

  5. 因此他和另外四名合伙人在纽约和华盛顿两地发动了人际网络,争取到了百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)这样的企业用户和人力资源管理学会(SocietyofHumanResourceManagement)这样的团体客户。

    He and his four partners , based in New York and Washington , D.C. , tapped their network to sign corporate accounts like PepsiCo and associations such as the society of human resource management .

  6. 由于P2P网络本质上是一个开放的、动态的环境,可以借鉴人际网络的信任机制来建立节点间的信任关系,并用其来保障节点间的交互。

    Since P2P environment is open and dynamic in nature , trust mechanisms modeling social networks are used to build trust in peers for safeguarding interactions of them .

  7. 马丁代尔(AvrilMartindale)表示:“我对此热情很高。我发现当我升至更高级别时,拥有一个由和我有着同样问题的女高管组成的人际网络非常重要。”

    Freshfields partner Avril Martindale says : " I feel quite passionately about this . I have found as I got more senior that it is very important that I have a network of senior women who face the same issues as I do . "

  8. 人际网络在企业的竞争情报活动中起到很重要的作用。

    Human network has great effect on enterprise competitive intelligence .

  9. 企业竞争情报活动中的人际网络构建和利用

    Establishing and Using of Human Network in Enterprise Competitive Intelligence

  10. 我国竞争情报人际网络研究文献计量分析

    Bibliometrics Analysis of the Literature on China 's Competitive Intelligence Social Networks

  11. 企业竞争情报工作中人际网络研究模式的构建

    Structure of Human Relationship Network Research Pattern in Enterprise Competitive Intelligence Work

  12. 如果你有良好的人际网络,你应该就可以。

    If you are well networked , you probably can .

  13. 人际网络结构特征对竞争情报工作的启示

    Some Implications from Competitive Intelligence Research Based on Social Network

  14. 基于人际网络节点中心度的竞争对手分析

    Analysis of Firm Competitors Based on Centrality Degree Index of Social Network

  15. 工作位置网络与人际网络有很大的相似性。

    Work location networks and interpersonal networks have a lot of similarities .

  16. 基于人际网络的科技资源共享渠道拓展

    Increasing the Channels of Scientific and Technical Resources Sharing Based on Social Network

  17. 人际网络分析为竞争情报工作开创了一个新的研究方向。

    Social network analysis cultivates a brand new research field for competitive intelligence .

  18. 人际网络是一项投资而不是浪费。

    Networking is an investment , not a nuisance .

  19. 它能够利用人际网络解决各种问题。

    the network that is society to solve problems .

  20. 外部条件包括:职位空缺、人际网络、机遇和资金。

    External conditions include job open , interpersonal networks , opportunities and funds .

  21. 基于结点关系的企业人际网络解析

    Analyses of Enterprise Social Network Based on Crunode Relationships

  22. 人际网络对成功人士来说不是一件事,而是一种生活方式。

    Networking isnt an event for a successful person , its a lifestyle .

  23. 硅谷的人际网络很私人化。

    Local connections in the valley are deeply personal .

  24. 创建一个能帮助你做出职业决定的人际网络。

    Create a network of people that can help you make your career decisions .

  25. 人际网络是社会人赖以生存的群体基础。

    Interpersonal networks are living basis of human .

  26. 社会资本的核心内容是具有先赋条件的人际网络体系。

    The whole content of social capital is the interpersonal network system with ascribed factors .

  27. 任何简易或是自动的工具都不能帮你建立起真正需要的人际网络。

    Any tool that is easy or automated wont establish the connections you really need .

  28. 通过人际网络,信息能以令人惊异的方式找到出口。

    Information has an amazing tendency to find its way forward through the human network .

  29. 有人的地方既是社会,人际网络的构建与人际情报网络的完善不可避免的需要社会学的理论来支持。

    Building human network and perfecting human intelligence networks need the theory of sociology support .

  30. 人际网络、市场网络:农户社会交往方式的比较

    Interpersonal Network or Market Network : A Comparative Study on Social Communication Patterns of Farmers