
rén jì chuán bō
  • interpersonal media
  1. 网络聊天(InternetRelayChat)是网民在网络上借助聊天软件,主要通过文字媒介进行交流的人际传播活动,是一种多人参与的,基于纯文本的,实时的交流方式。

    Internet Relay Chat is a kind of written communication between netizens by using some chatting softwares .

  2. 但上述新的研究印证了早些时候世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)和中国有关部门发出的警告,他们曾警告说,相比其他任何一种已知的禽流感病毒,H7N9病毒有更高的人际传播的可能。

    But the new study reinforces earlier warnings from the World Heath Organization and Chinese authorities that the virus has a higher potential for human-to-human transmission than any other known bird-flu virus .

  3. 其开发的语音视频聊天、即时通讯、SNS、Email等人际传播工具得到了人们的广泛好评。

    People widely praise the interpersonal communication tools , such as video chat tools , instant messaging tools , SNS , Email and so on .

  4. 网络学习社区人际传播特征及对NLC的作用

    The Characteristics of Personal Communication in Network-Based Learning Community and It 's Inspiration to NLC Design Application

  5. 由于调查未产生依据说明H5N1病毒已容易发生人际传播,世卫组织未对其当前的大流行预警级别进行升级。

    As investigations have produced no evidence that the H5N1 virus is spreading easily from person to person , WHO has not raised its current level of pandemic alert .

  6. 然后按照四种传播类型(自我传播、人际传播、群体传播和大众传播)分别论述了SNS社区网站对于各个传播类型的整合,及其各自表现出的特点和功能。

    Then follow the four types of communication ( self-communication , interpersonal communication , group communication and mass communication ), the article discussed the integration of various communication types and its characteristics and functions .

  7. 科学家修改了H5N1病毒的一个蛋白,从而使其用于发现哪些突变可能让这种病毒进行人际传播,并创造出能用来制作预先防范性(pre-emptive)疫苗的毒株。

    Scientists have mutated a protein of the H5N1 virus to identify changes which could make the virus capable of passing between humans , and create variants that could be used as pre-emptive vaccines .

  8. 当SNS网络成为越来越多人经常化的选择,SNS网络的价值就不仅仅代表的是Web2.0时代网络社会的进步与超越,而更是进一步地对个体人际传播产生影响。

    When the SNS network becomes the regular choice for more people , the value of SNS not only represents the progress of the Web 2.0 era , but rather further lies in the impact of individual interpersonal communication .

  9. H7N9和H5N1的最大区别就体现在对禽类的影响上,后者十年来共导致628人感染、374人死亡,但没有出现人际传播。

    The biggest difference between H7N9 and H5N1 - the virulent avian flu strain that has infected 628 people and killed 374 over the past 10 years without transmission between humans - is its effect on birds .

  10. 社交网站作为SNS的典范,不但以新型的超人际传播方式改写了人际交往,而且沟通虚拟世界和现实世界,建构了开放式的社会化关系网络。

    Social networking web sites as the model of SNS , not only in a new type of super interpersonal communication way rewritten the interpersonal , and link up virtual world and the real world , building the socialization of open relationship network .

  11. 即使事实证明,墨西哥的甲型h1n1流感病毒并不比一场典型的季节性流感更致命,但如果它被认定正在世界不同地区进行广泛的人际传播,就仍可能触发6级警戒。

    Even if the influenza type A ( H1N1 ) virus in Mexico proves no more lethal than a typical seasonal flu , it could still trigger a level six pandemic alert if it is identified as spreading widely between humans in different parts of the world .

  12. 尽管发现有一些“家庭集群式”感染(即多个家庭成员感染)的情况,但卫生主管部门尚未找到证据证明H7N9能够发生人与人之间的传播。如果出现人际传播,这种病毒的危险性就大得多。

    Despite discovering a handful of ' family clusters ' or infections of multiple family members health authorities have yet to turn up evidence that H7N9 is capable human-to-human transmission , which would make it far more dangerous .

  13. 从SNS这一新媒介入手,首先探讨了SNS的人际传播特征,以及自我表露行为在此上面的体现。接着,本文通过扎根理论和深度访谈方法,深入调查用户在SNS中自我表露的特征。

    Starting from a new media , SNS , the characteristics of SNS communication is discussed firstly , as well as the embodiment of self-disclosure on it . Secondly , a survey on the users ' self-disclosure behaviours in SNS is presented by both theory and profound interviews .

  14. 该理论在人际传播研究领域具有很大的研究价值。

    The theory has great research value on interpersonal communication field .

  15. 这便是电脑媒介的“超人际传播”效果。

    This article analyzes the cause offormation about the super-interpersonal effects .

  16. 有声语言从向大众传播开始,就与人际传播有了分野。

    Mass communication in verbal language is different from inter-personal communication .

  17. 第一部分综合概括了人际传播的相关理论,提出了基本的理论框架。

    The first part is about theory of interpersonal communication .

  18. 网络人际传播的修辞学分析

    Zero and Deviation : Rhetorical Analysis of Internet Interpersonal Communication

  19. 人类疫情现在是人际传播。

    Outbreaks in humans are now occurring from human-to-human transmission .

  20. 猪流感已显示出惊人的人际传播能力。

    Swine flu has shown an alarming capacity to spread between humans .

  21. 谣言是一种主要通过人际传播渠道散布的信息。

    Rumor is a kind of information mainly disseminated through interpersonal communication .

  22. 人际传播嵌入在人际关系中,同时也会影响个人的人际关系。

    Interpersonal communication embedded inhuman relations and affect human relations as well .

  23. 电脑媒介的超人际传播及其视觉语言符号分析

    A Visual Lansign Analysis on Super - interpersonal Effects in Computer-mediated Interaction

  24. 人际传播理论在思想政治工作中的作用

    The Role of Interpersonal Communication Theory on Political Thought Work

  25. 关于网络人际传播本质的悖论研究

    Study of Paradox about the Essence of Network Interpersonal Communication

  26. 手机短信语言特色的人际传播学解读

    Study on Interpersonal Communication of the Characteristics of Mobile Telephone 's Short Message

  27. 人际传播研究偏重于定性、心理等微观层面。

    And the interpersonal communication study focuses on micro-levels of qualification and psychology .

  28. 德育是人际传播的一种。

    Moral education is a kind of interpersonal spread .

  29. 我们如何才能抑制耐药菌的人际传播呢?

    How can we contain the spread of drug-resistant superbugs throughout the population ?

  30. 内向传播和人际传播的双向对话&论建立传播学的翻译观

    A Two-way Dialogue : Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication-Translatology in the Perspective of Communication Science