
rén shì dànɡ àn ɡuǎn lǐ
  • personnel file management;personnel dossier management
  1. 人事档案管理是单位人事管理的重要组成部分。

    Personnel file management is an important part in personnel management .

  2. 高等学校人事档案管理方式改革的探讨

    On the Reform of University Personnel File Management

  3. 人事档案管理系统及其时间Petri网工作流模型

    A Personnel Archives Management System and Its Workflow Model Based on Timed Petri Net

  4. 基于UML的高校组织人事档案管理系统建模研究

    The System Modeling Technology of Organizational and Personnel File Management in Universities and Colleges Based on UML

  5. 本文论述中文dBASEⅡ人事档案管理通用系统在APPLE-Ⅱ及兼容机(如ACC-8000,小神通等具有Z-80CPU的微型计算机)上的实现。

    This paper discusses an universal personal matters file management system in Chinese dBASE ⅱ which can be implemented on APPLE ⅱ and its compatible 8-bit microcomputers such as Acc-8000 , LITTLE INTELLIGENT COMPUTER , etc.

  6. 人事档案管理子系统&人事、劳资档案及工资发放微机综合管理系统(Ⅰ)

    Personnel archives subsystem ── Personnel and salary archives microcomputer system (ⅰ)

  7. 高校人事档案管理模式的改革探讨与理性思考

    Some Considerations and Modes in Personnel Management in Higher Education Archives

  8. 四是改革人事档案管理体制是人事档案工作改革的必由之路。

    Fourth is to reform the management system of personnel archives .

  9. 合并高校人事档案管理初探

    A Probe into The Administration of Amalgamated University 's Personnel File

  10. 试论医疗单位编外人员的人事档案管理

    Discussion on Personnel Archive Management of Off-staff Workers in Medical Units

  11. 在高校人事档案管理中对教职工更改出生日期的思考

    Reflection on University Faculty changing birthday in personnel archives management

  12. 一个微机人事档案管理系统的设计

    Design of A Personal File Managing System Based on Microcomputer

  13. 浅述完善企业流动人员人事档案管理工作的措施

    On Improving the Business of Mobile Personnel file Management Measures

  14. 开发人事档案管理信息系统的几点思考

    Some considerations on development of personnel files information management system

  15. 社会化、开放式管理&人事档案管理的新模式

    Socialized and open management & A new model for personnel files management

  16. 高职院校人事档案管理存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures for Vocational Institution 's Personnel Records Management

  17. 人事档案管理系统需求分析

    Analysis on the Requirements of the Personal Records Management System

  18. 人事档案管理工作中的问题及分析

    Problems and analysis of file management of human resource

  19. 第六部分是对流动人员人事档案管理的改革措施。

    The sixth part is the flow of personnel archives management reform measures .

  20. 高校人事档案管理工作刍议

    A Rustic Opinion About Personal File Management Of College

  21. 干部人事档案管理中存在的问题

    Problems Existing in Management of Cadre 's Personnel Archives

  22. 如何做好新形势下人才市场的人事档案管理工作

    Personnel Files Management in Talent Market under New Situation

  23. 怎样做一名合格的人事档案管理人员

    How to Be a Qualified Administrator for Personal Files

  24. 人事档案管理也要与时俱进

    The Personnel Records Management should March with the Times

  25. 职工人事档案管理问题和对策

    Discussion on the Management of Employees ' Personnel Records

  26. 基于多媒体和面向对象技术的人事档案管理系统研究

    Research of Personnel Archives Management System via Object-oriented Multimedia

  27. 关于做好干部人事档案管理工作的思考

    Thought about the management of carders ' personal files

  28. 中文人事档案管理系统

    The management system of personnel files in Chinese

  29. 高校人事档案管理工作的思考与对策

    Reflections and Countermeasures on Dossiers Management at University

  30. 从弃档看人事档案管理的发展趋势

    On the Tendency of the Personnel Archives Management from the " Abandoning liles "