
rén mín xìnɡ
  • affinity to the people; popular or folk character;feeling for the people
  1. 有的现代评论家认为,李煜的词具有一定的人民性。

    According to some modern critics , li yu 's Ci poems evince a certain affinity to the people .

  2. 关于文艺人民性的思考

    Reflection on the affinity to the people in literature and art

  3. 现实主义的人民性&试析狄更斯作品的人道主义思想

    Realistic Affinity to the People-Analysis of Humanitarian Thinking in Dickens Works

  4. 墨子思想之人民性具有功利性、现实性和空想性特征。

    Mo-tse 's Thoughts feature utilitarianism , reality character and escapism .

  5. 这些文学作品空洞无物,丝毫没有人民性。

    These inane literary works have no affinity to the masses .

  6. 其伦理思想中蕴涵着独特的人文情怀和人民性品格。

    His ethic theory contained special humanity feelings and people characters .

  7. 中国公务员的非政治中立性与人民性

    Non political neutral of Chinese public servants and their people character

  8. 人民性、民族性、开放性、科学性是先进文化的特点。

    Being popular , national , open and scientific are its characteristics .

  9. 马克思主义的人民性、科学性、能动性要求着马克思主义必须大众化。

    Marxist People , Science , initiative requires Marxism must be popular .

  10. 壁画的生命在于它的时代性和人民性。

    The life of mural art lies in its times and people .

  11. 主要包括了深厚的人民性、长远的战略性、强烈的务实性。

    Mainly includes the profound popularity , long-term strategic , strong pragmatic .

  12. 他是一个有很强人民性的画家,小王是个原则性很强的人,从不循私情。

    He was deeply concerned about ordinary people 's lives .

  13. 关于职业教育人民性政策实践方向的思考

    Consideration on the Practice Orientation of the Popular Feeling of Vocational Education Policy

  14. 论三个代表的整体性与人民性

    On Integrity of The Three Representations and Their Essence

  15. 与人民性对立的国家权力是其对自身本质的异化。

    The state power against people 's character is nature alienation of itself .

  16. 墨家精神的人民性及其当代价值

    People in the Mohist Spirit and Its Value Today

  17. 科学发展观的人民性

    People ' Interest in Scientific View of Development

  18. 第五,鲜明的人民性。

    Fifth is vivid of the people .

  19. 第二,宪政思想的人民性;

    Second , people 's characteristic ;

  20. 难能可贵的人民性;

    His popular nature is commendable ;

  21. 第五,鲜明的人民性。风格热烈、鲜明、显露。

    Fifth is vivid of the people . the style is warm , clear and manifest .

  22. 第三,贯彻其人民性特征有利于树立以人为本的科学发展观。

    Third , Implementing its popularity makes for setting up scientific development idea of " people-oriented " .

  23. 人民性是指社会主义国家是属于人民的,人民是国家的主人。

    The public belongs to their motherland is the meaning of affinity to people of socialism country .

  24. 当代文学呼唤人民性

    Contemporary Literature Calls for Popularity

  25. 这里概括并分析了现实美学的特征:真实性、人民性、批判性、启蒙性。

    This thesis abstracts and analyzes the features of practical aesthetics : realistic , universal , critical and enlightening .

  26. 从人民性到人文主义再到对二者的否定&莎士比亚的哈姆莱特中国形象再研究

    Affinity to the People and Humanism and A Negative Answer & The Research on Hamlet 's Character in China

  27. 这个理论体系体现了三个基本特点:丰富的创造性、突出的先进性和鲜明的人民性。

    The system presents three basic features : rich creativeness , prominent vanguard nature , and distinct affinity to the people .

  28. 人民性作为知识分子的价值立场,决定了作家写作时的那种自然而生的平民性。

    As the value stand for intellectuals , affinity to the people determines the civilian orientation which an author expresses naturally .

  29. “三个代表”重要思想丰富和发展了“人民性”的时代内涵。

    The important ideology of " Three Representatives " enriches and develops the contemporary connotation of the affinity to the people .

  30. 具有科学的预见性、广泛的人民性、反腐的彻底性、廉政的自律性、方法的灵活性等基本特点。

    The scientific predictability , extensive people character , thoroughness of corruption , independent self-discipline and method flexibility are basic features .