
  • 网络man and society;People and Society
  1. 并借助社会环境经济数据如人口、面积、人均GDP、就业率、医院、学校数量等,从人与社会环境关系角度分析热点成因。

    Then by means of the social environment and economic data such as population , area , per capita GDP , employment rate , the number of hospitals and schools , research the causes of hot spots from the perspective of relationship between man and society environment .

  2. 人与社会之间的关系一般可分为结合关系和对立关系。

    There are associative and opposite relations between man and society .

  3. 现代教育:促进人与社会可持续发展的融合

    Modern Education : Promoting the Sustainable Development of Human and Society

  4. 改革体现了人与社会的辩证统一。

    Reform reflects the dialectical unity between human and society .

  5. 创新和人与社会发展的互动性

    Interaction between innovation and the development of man and society

  6. 人与社会发展辩证关系的教育学思考

    A pedagogical reflection on the dialectic relation between human being and society

  7. 人与社会的这种逻辑断裂恰恰表明了马克思思想的深入发展。

    The logic breakout happened to indicate the evolution of his thoughts .

  8. 这是对人与社会关系的一种宣泄。

    It is a vivid expression of the relationship between humans and society .

  9. 当代中国经济生活中社会选择方式的变迁&从社会选择方式变迁看当代中国经济生活中人与社会关系的转变

    On the Evolution of the Social Choice Mode in the Contemporary Chinese Economical Life

  10. 异化人与社会的关系;

    Dissimulates the relations between person and society .

  11. 应用发展科学&一门研究人与社会发展的新兴学科

    Applied Developmental Science : A New Scientific Subject Focusing on Human and Society Development

  12. 在人与社会的关系中,必须承担道德责任;

    Secondly , moral responsibility must be taken on considering the relation between man and society ;

  13. 在中国,随着市场经济的发展,市场主体的多元化,人与社会关系问题的研究也在逐渐升温。

    In China , with the development of market economy , main body began to diversify .

  14. 通过这一管理过程,实现人与社会及人与自然的共存。

    This management process can help to realize the coexistence of human , society and nature .

  15. 基本内容是实现人与社会、人与人和人与自然的全面协调发展;

    All-round , coordinated development among human beings , society , and nature is the fundamental content ;

  16. 从社会学的视角看,人力资本本质上体现了人与社会之间的一种互动关系;

    From the sociological perspective , human capital in essence embodies the interaction between human beings and society .

  17. 因此,如何平衡版权人与社会公众之间的利益关系,就成为现代版权法的重要使命。

    Therefore , how to balance the interests has become an important mission of the modern copyright law .

  18. 整个社会性格理论都在回答这样一个问题:即人与社会的关系问题。

    The whole social character theory tends to answer this question , i.e. the relationship between people and society .

  19. 本文从制约三峡库区人与社会和谐发展的问题入手,提出了构建三峡库区人与社会和谐发展的思路。

    This paper proposed the thoughts that construction of harmonious development about human beings and society of Three-Gorge-Reservoir Area .

  20. 人与社会的关系问题一直是西方人本主义与结构主义哲学家关注的热点。

    The relation of person and society is the focus that the western humanism and structuralism pay attention to .

  21. 马克思恩格斯经过共同批判青年黑格尔派,把人与社会的关系全面推向历史。

    After Marx and Engels criticized Young Hegelians , The relation of man and society began to go into history .

  22. 在这个过程中,我们与图像间膜拜的关系使得人与社会间的链接变成了一种束缚的管制或者说是某种奴役。

    In this process , our worship of the image makes the relation between people and society into some kind of slavery .

  23. 在新的历史时期,促进人与社会的和谐发展具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    In the new historical period , promotes the human and society 's harmonious development has the significant theory significance and the practical significance .

  24. 也凸显了今天我们重新探讨和研究马克思人与社会关系思想的必要性和重要性。

    Today , we also highlighted the re-exploration and study of Marxism " human and social " relationship between the necessity and importance of thinking .

  25. 认为实践生成观的核心内容是人与社会的本质生成问题,它也是人存在的根本维度;

    Secondly , it focuses on the generating of the essence of society and mankind , which is also the basic way of human 's existence .

  26. 商业秘密的保护涉及商业秘密权利人与社会、竞争者、员工利益的平衡。

    The protection of business secrets involves the balance of benefits among the owner of the secret , the society , the competitor and the employees .

  27. 自从人类社会有了专利制度之后,就一直无法避免专利权人与社会公众之间利益平衡的各种问题。

    Since the human society have the patent systems , it has been unable to avoid the balancing of Interests between patent holders and the public .

  28. 人与社会的互动史就是人与社会由片面发展走向全面发展的历史;

    The history of the interaction between human beings and society is the one in which human beings and society develop from one-sided development to all-round development .

  29. 风险自古便是伴随着人与社会的主题,并随着人类触觉的延伸而呈现出不断扩大与日趋复杂的趋势。

    Risk is accompanied by ancient people and society , and with the theme of human touch outspread and show and an increasingly complex expanding the trend .

  30. 公益广告的主题经常围绕着两个方面:人与社会的关系,人与自然和谐延续的关系。

    Public service advertising theme often revolve around two aspects : the relationship between man and society , harmony between man and nature of the continuation of .