
  • 网络man to man;Homo Homini;People to People;People;man-to-man
  1. MSAgent提供的动画人物不仅有诙谐的动作,还可以通过声卡和麦克风跟用户进行对话,使用MSAgent开发的代理软件与用户之间的交互更接近人与人之间的交流。

    The Agent Characters provided by MS Agent not only have some amusing actions , but also can communicate with users through sound card and microphone , the interaction between the agent software developed with MS Agent and user is more closer to that of man to man .

  2. 社会和谐包括人与自然、人与人、人与社会以及社会的政治、经济、文化等诸方面的和谐。

    To achieve the harmonious society including the achievements of harmony in man and nature , man to man , man and society and among several parts of society such as politics , economy and culture .

  3. 说话是人与人之间交流最快捷的方法。

    Speech is the fastest method of communication between people .

  4. 他信仰社会主义,相信人与人之间有手足般的情谊。

    He believed in socialism and the brotherhood of man .

  5. 人与人脾性各有不同。

    Temperaments vary from person to person .

  6. 今晚,LaChope咖啡馆的菜单见证了人与人之间的思想碰撞。

    Conflict is on the menu tonight at the caf é La Chope .

  7. 其他文化可能会以其他方式使用沉默,特别是用于处理人与人之间的冲突或处理不同权力的人之间的关系。

    Other cultures may use silence in other ways , particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power .

  8. 许多美洲原住民重视沉默,认为沉默是人与人之间交流的基本部分,就像一些传统的中国人和泰国人一样。

    Many   Native   Americans   value   silence   and   feel   it   is   a   basic   part   of   communicating   among   people ,   just   as   some   traditional   Chinese   and   Thai   persons   do .

  9. 也许人与人之间有难以解释的羁绊。

    Perhaps there are bounds between people , which is hard to explain .

  10. 这句话既是人与人的交往之道,也是对待历史问题的正确态度。

    This is common sense in interpersonal relations and correct attitude towards history .

  11. argument一词指人与人之间用激烈言语表达的分歧

    An argument is a strong verbal disagreement between people

  12. 基本上不存在人与人之间传染。

    Normally , it will not transmit in the people group .

  13. 社会学则侧重于对人与人之间各种关系的分析。

    And Sociology addresses analysis of various kinds of human relationships .

  14. 人与人之间难以沟通和交流。

    It is difficult to communicate and exchange opinion with others .

  15. 没有证据表明在这些病例中有人与人之间的传播。

    There was no evidence of human-to-human transmission in those cases .

  16. 人与人之间持续传播可能导致一场新的流感疫情。

    Sustained transmission between people could lead to a new flu pandemic .

  17. 耳语音是人与人之间一种特殊的语音交流方式。

    Whispered speech is a special communication style between Humans .

  18. 出售商品的最有效的办法是通过人与人的接触。

    The most effective way to sell something is through person-to-person contact .

  19. 与任何一种人与人之间的冲突一样,只有相互尊重才是化解之道。

    As in all personal clashes , only mutual respect will achieve it .

  20. 环境伦理还包括人与人之间在利用自然资源、保护生态环境问题上的公平和公正:即环境公正。

    Environmental ethics involves using the natural resources fairly and protection of nature .

  21. 就人与人之间的感情而言,下面这对父子俩的感情肯定是最恒久的一种。

    As relationships go , theirs is surely one of the most enduring .

  22. 这些种族问题导致了人与人之间的不平等。

    All the racial problems led to unequal human rights in the society .

  23. 对人与人之间在不同文化或不同情况下的空间距离的研究。

    The study of spatial distances between individuals in different cultures and situations .

  24. 有共同祖先人与人之间的关系。

    Relationship between people who have a common ancestor .

  25. 从人机交互界面到人与人交互界面

    From Human-Computer Interaction Interface to Human-Human Interaction Interface

  26. 协同工作中人与人交互界面的探讨

    Inquire into Interface between Persons of Cooperating Work

  27. 人与人之间的和谐是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础

    The Harmony between Man and Man is the Foundation of Establishing a Socialist Harmonious Society

  28. 销售物流中既有人与人业务上的工作流信息、又有物料移动产生的物流信息。

    The distribution contains the workflow information among people and logistics information in material movement .

  29. 和谐社会是人与人之间、人与自然之间的和谐。其中人与人之间的和谐是和谐社会的基础,也是和谐社会的核心。

    The harmonious society is the society that the harmonious between the peoples and the nature .

  30. 语音是人与人之间相互传递信息最简易的途径。

    Speech is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to express information among people .