
  • 网络public opinion environment
  1. 荣辱观本质上作为一种道德观念和意识,舆论环境对其形成和发展具有重要的影响。

    The public opinion environment has the important influence on the form and development of the outlook for honor and dishonor .

  2. 其实,缩小上述差距,为中欧关系营造良好的政治、人文和舆论环境并不困难。

    In fact , it is not that difficult to narrow these gaps and create a good political , cultural , and public opinion environment for China-EU relations .

  3. 高校舆论环境对大学生思想和行为的作用研究

    Functions of Campus Opinions to University Students ' Ideas and Behaviors

  4. 反之,不良的舆论环境则可能加剧医患关系的进一步恶化。

    Contrarily worse environment of public opinion can worsen staff-patient relationship .

  5. 舆论环境的变化与舆论引导新格局的形成

    Public Opinions : Changed Environment and A New Pattern of Guidance

  6. 我国国际舆论环境:现状、原因及对策

    The International Public Opinion Environment of Our Nation : Situation , Reason and Countermeasure

  7. 在当时相对宽松的舆论环境下,各新闻团体与国统区其他新闻工作者、国际反法西斯组织和个人密切联系、共同发展。

    Many press groups cooperated well with other journalists and Antifascist groups in a relative harmonious environment .

  8. 宽松的舆论环境,给了斯科特和保罗卧薪尝胆的时间和空间。

    The liberal media environment , and Paul Scott to the hardships of the time and space .

  9. 良好的社会舆论环境有利于促进群众体育需求。

    ( f ) The good public opinion environment is advantageous to promotes demand of mass sports .

  10. 公共政策的执行离不开社会公众,就离不开舆论环境。

    The implementation of public policy is inseparable from the public to not be separated from public opinion .

  11. 该制度的建立,为惠州市经济社会又好又快的发展创造了良好的舆论环境。

    It creates favorable public opinion environment for the sound and fast social and economical development in Huizhou .

  12. 有效的对外传播可以树立一个国家良好的国际形象,创造和谐的国际舆论环境。

    Effective international communication can facilitate the country to set a good international image , and build a harmonious international environment .

  13. 良好的国际形象有助于形成对自己有利的国际舆论环境,为其他活动提供有利条件。

    A good international image will help form a favorable public environment for China , and provide favorable conditions for other activities .

  14. 社会舆论环境的更加复杂化,给党的思想文化宣传工作和党的执政活动带来了新的挑战和影响。

    The complication of social consensus environment brings new challenges and influences to the party 's idea culture promulgation work and administrative activities .

  15. 其中,进一步规范互联网舆论环境,寻求将网络监督和电子政府有效结合,使网络反腐变为制度性反腐,将有利于我国反腐倡廉大局。

    Further improving internet environment and the combination of internet supervision and e-government will be good news to the situation of anti-corruption in China .

  16. 三是优化理想信念教育环境:优化舆论环境,优化校园环境,优化网络媒体环境。

    Third , optimized ideal faith education environment : The optimized public opinion circumstance , optimizes the campus environment , the optimized network media environment .

  17. 加强管理的法制化、科学化、规范化。7.加强宣传,为裁判工作创造一个良好的舆论环境。

    Strengthen and legalization of the management of scientific , standardized.7.Strengthen the propaganda work for the referee to create a favorable environment for public opinion .

  18. 加强大学生诚信教育,必须坚持制度环境他律与教育活动自律相结合,既要建立健全诚信管理监督制度,创造良好的诚信道德氛围和舆论环境;

    In order to enhance the honesty education of them , we must insist on the combination of systematic environment heteronomy and educational activity autonomy .

  19. 微博的去中心化、多节点化及可接近性在一定程度上对我国现今的舆论环境和网民意公民意识产生了影响。

    Micro-blog decentralized , multiple sections of attunement and accessibility to some extent to our current environment of public opinion and public citizen consciousness influence .

  20. 创新型人才的成长需要一定的文化环境,如舆论环境、教育环境、活动环境和设备环境等。

    The development of innovational talents needs certain cultural environments , such as public opinion , education , activities , and facilities , and so on .

  21. 其次要建设良好的道德环境,主要措施有重视公德建设和舆论环境建设。

    Secondly , to building a good ethical environment , moral subject should pay more attention to social morality construction and the environment of public opinion .

  22. 树立好的城市形象能够提高城市的知名度、美誉度、认可度,为城市营造良好的舆论环境,促进城市的发展。

    A good city image could improve visibility , reputation and recognition for the city to create a good public opinion environment and promote city development .

  23. 为此,必须从社会舆论环境、校园环境、家庭环境和人际交往环境等方面优化社会心理环境。

    Therefore , it is essential to optimize the environment for social psychology in terms of public opinion , the campus , families and interpersonal communication .

  24. 其次,要加强法制宣传,提高公民的法制意识,健全证人出庭的舆论环境,通过全社会的共同努力,使我国的民事证人出庭作证制度更加完善。

    And a common effort shall be dedicate to promote the citizen 's legal conscious by education in legality and perfect our system of witness ' appearance .

  25. 进入新世纪后,乡镇企业发展有所回升,但仍然面临着很多困难和特殊的舆论环境。

    In the new century , the development of the TVE picks up . But it also confronts many difficulties and the special environment of public opinions .

  26. 但是,由于我国的特殊舆论环境以及微博自身存在的弊病,蓬勃发展中的中国微博客面临着困境。

    However , due to the special environment of public opinion in China , and the shortcomings of MicroBlog itself , Chinese MicroBlog still have many problems .

  27. 第四部分则是以国家人口计生政策为例,作为国家公共政策的样本,考察其所处的舆论环境。

    The fourth part is the national family planning policy , for example , as a national sample of public policy , which investigated the public opinion environment .

  28. 因此,全球化条件下国际舆论环境对我国的发展来说是非常重要的,也是营造和平国际环境的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , the environment of international public opinions plays an important role in China 's development and meanwhile is an important part of creating peaceful international environment .

  29. 全球化时代,中国的发展同世界的发展日益紧密地联系起来,国际舆论环境对国家形象构建的影响越来越大。

    The age of globalization , the development of China is more and more close to world and the influence of international public opinion to China is much deeper .

  30. 大众媒体必须重视和强调媒体的德育功能和宣传教化价值,为公民道德教育制造良好的社会舆论环境。

    Mass media must pay attention to and emphasize the moral function of the media and publicity enlightenment values to create a good social environment of public opinion for moral education .