
  • 网络opinion leader
  1. 和郭敬明相比,韩寒在政治问题上的舆论领袖身份更引人注目。

    Compared to Mr. Guo , Mr. Han is more notable as an opinion leader on political issues .

  2. 这个观点周日在新加坡得到全球著名舆论领袖的热烈赞同。

    This idea got an impassioned endorsement from an eminent group of global opinion leaders in Singapore on Sunday .

  3. 在此基础上,本文改进模型算法,分析了舆论领袖在话题传播与舆论演化过程中所产生的影响效果。

    On this basis , with the improving algorithm , I investigate the impact of opinion leaders on the process of topic transimission and opinion evolution .

  4. 组织机构名人通过官方帐号传递公共信息,巩固其舆论领袖地位,满足社会整合的需要。

    Organizations celebrity passed through the official account of public information , to consolidate its leadership of public opinion , to meet the needs of social integration .

  5. 你可以找到喜欢你所代言品牌的人,但是到哪里去找舆论领袖,又到哪里找那些具有社会影响力的人呢?

    You can find the people that like your brands and where are you going to find opinion leaders and where you are going to find the social influentials ?

  6. 所以这一部分从《新青年》的把关人兼舆论领袖这个角度来分析整个报刊内部的传播策略。

    So this part analyze the internal communication strategy of the " New Youth " from the point of view of the " gatekeeper " and the public opinion leaders .

  7. 一些这样的博客已经成为舆论领袖,在技术、文化、时事或时尚领域,以其快速多产而吸引大量人气。

    Several bloggers like this have become opinion leaders , usually in areas like technology , culture , current events or fashion , building big followings by being fast and prolific .

  8. 英国不可能承担得起这样的代价:与下一代舆论领袖失去联系,限制对英国世界观的理解或者使得英国沦落为一个文化参照物。

    The UK cannot afford to lose touch with the next generation of opinion-formers , restrict understanding of the British worldview or allow the UK to recede as a cultural reference point .

  9. 这些精英又影响了更多的社会精英,即政策决定者、高级知识分子、企业界主管以及各阶层舆论领袖,因此能产生决定性的影响。

    They can influence much more social elites such as policy-makers , highly qualified intellectuals , administers in enterprises and public opinion leaders from different class . In such way decisive effects would be made .

  10. 网络时政论坛中舆论领袖的印象管理的行为效果依次为:关系的维持和发展、实现想要成为的自我、实现意见的表达和助产。

    When doing impression management , the effects of consensus leaders from network affairs forum are as follows : maintaining and developing relations , achieving self-realization and the realization of expression and midwifery opinions . 4 .

  11. 最后分析了网络论坛舆论领袖的更替现象,探讨舆论领袖地位稳定性,为进一步研究复杂网络中的人物行为奠定了基础。

    Finally we analysis the phenomenon of forum opinion leaders replacement and discuss the stability of the status of opinion leaders . It has laid a foundation for further study of the characters in the behavior of complex networks .

  12. 舆论领袖的参与对普通网络话题上升为舆论议题并无直接影响,但在话题的存活过程和传播期间可起到推动和促进的作用。

    The involvement of opinion leaders has no direct impact on the process developing from a common network topic to a public opinion issue , but can affect the survival and the spread of the topics positively . 7 .

  13. 而这些差异是与高校网络论坛半隐匿的传播环境、学生群体的特殊需求密切相关。因此,社会群体和学生群体的舆论领袖进行印象管理的动机、策略、行为效果大体相同。

    These differences have close relationship to the semi-hidden spreading environment of University network forum and the special needs of student groups Thus , When doing impression management , consensus leaders of social groups and student groups have the same motives , strategies , behavioral effects . 5 .

  14. 本章将舆论的形成过程分为舆论产生的初期、舆论领袖的引领和意见整合以及舆论的最终形成,并一一论述了道德在舆论形成的三个部分中所产生的作用。

    Here , the formation of public opinion is divided into three parts : early stages of public opinion , lead of opinion chief and his suggestions , and the last formation of public opinion .