
  • 网络radio listeners
  1. 2011年3月,BBC广播听众把这部影片评选为史上最喜爱的电影。

    In March 2011 , the film was voted by BBC Radio listeners as their favorite film of all time .

  2. 我们不经常看电视,但我们是忠实的广播听众。

    We don 't watch much television , but we 're very keen radio listeners .

  3. 电视普及以来,广播听众减少了。

    Radio audience have fallen off since the spread of television .

  4. 他在广播听众中享有的极高声望。

    His immense popularity with radio audiences .

  5. 今天,乡村音乐可以夸口说比流行乐有着更多的广播听众&从东海岸到西海岸约有八千万。

    Today country music boasts more radio listeners than pop - some 80 million from coast to coast .

  6. 一些问题和建议来自于全国的广播听众,另一些问题来源于发表在教育部官方博客网站上的留言。

    Questions and comments also came from teachers in the nationwide listening audience and from people who posted on the Department of Education 's blog .

  7. 他告诉广播听众,如果能以某种方式阅读圣经,你也许会对思想犯罪感到有罪。

    " If you read the Bible in a certain way , he told his broadcast listeners ," you may be guilty of committing a'thought crime .

  8. 她参加了英国广播公司听众来电参与节目。

    She took part in a BBC radio phone-in programme .

  9. 广播电台听众服务系统

    The Service System to Audience in Radio Station

  10. 用来表示在任一时间点收听广播的听众总量。

    A term describing the total size of the radio audience at any point .

  11. 广播员告诉听众下一个是什么节目。

    The announcer tells the listeners what programme comes next .

  12. 在越南,KhatVongSong使用广播剧向听众教授家庭暴力方面的知识。

    In Vietnam Khat Vong Song uses radio drama to teach its listeners about domestic violence .

  13. 对于那些能够到我们广播室的听众来说,

    Of special interest to those listeners able to travel to our offices ,

  14. 《1992年中央人民广播电台全国听众抽样调查》综合报告

    The Report on the Sampling of the Audience 's Opinions of the Central People 's Broadcasting Station , 1992

  15. 几分钟的广告时出售给了不同的公司,以便他们能向广播电台的听众们介绍自己的产品。

    A few minutes of air time were sold to different companies so they could tell about their products to the radio station 's listeners .

  16. 布什总统利用每周例行的广播讲话向听众介绍了他跟所谓20国集团中其他领导人开会商讨全球经济危机的安排。

    President Bush devoted his weekly radio address to previewing his meeting with other leaders of the so-called Group of20 nations on the global economic crisis .

  17. 瑞士姆巴巴内:瑞士国家广播电台的听众以为该电台把自己的一名记者派到了巴格达进行战地采访&直到本周末议员们在议会发现了他。

    MBABANE ( Reuters ) - Listeners to Swaziland 's state-run radio station thought it had its own correspondent in Baghdad covering the war-until legislators spotted him in parliament at the weekend .

  18. 本报告描述了1992年中央人民广播电台全国听众抽样调查的设计、主要结果和特色。

    This report describes the design , the main results and some features of the sampling survey of the audience 's opinions of the Central People 's Broad - casting Station , 1992 .

  19. 曾经我只是想安逸于平静,只是想在广播中为听众播歌一起听歌。而现在,我的身体犹如时钟般为「20时」行走。

    There are times when I just want enjoy the calm feeling , playing and listening to the songs during broadcast , but now , my body automatically moves like a clock , recognizing20hrs .

  20. 2.广播员请他的听众留意逃跑的犯人。

    The announcer told his listeners to keep an eye out for the escaped criminal .

  21. 特别的之处在于,很多重要的事件时常是用生动的广播形式以便让听众感觉好像他们身临其境。

    In particular , important events are often broadcast live so that the audience feel as if they were participating .

  22. 周一晚间,韩国开始了6年来首次对朝鲜的广播宣传,告诉听众:边界南边的人民比他们富裕,也比他们吃得饱。

    On Monday evening , the South 's first propaganda broadcast into North Korea in six years reminded listeners that citizens tend to be richer , and bellies fuller , south of the border .

  23. 在BBC广播4频道,广播听众和BBC《未来》栏目的观众就一些有趣的科学问题进行提问,亚当·卢瑟福博士和汉娜·弗莱博士给予相应的回答。

    On BBC Radio 4 , Drs Adam Rutherford and Hannah Fry have been answering intriguing scientific questions from listeners and the BBC Future audience .

  24. 列车广播员,列车到发通告器广播员告诉听众下一个是什么节目。

    Train announcer The announcer tells the listeners what programme comes next .

  25. 今年,“世界广播日”的主题为“对话、宽容与和平”,从世界各大传媒网络到小型社区广播都在提醒听众,广播在激发公共辩论、加强公民参与和促进相互理解方面所发挥的重要作用。

    For this year 's event , which celebrated the theme " Dialogue , Tolerance , and Peace , " major international networks through to small community broadcasters reminded their listeners about the important role that radio plays in stimulating public debate , increasing civic engagement , and inspiring mutual understanding .