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rén shì quán
  • power over personnel;control over personnel affairs
  1. 具有相对独立的人事权和财务权。

    Have the opposite and independent personnel power with the finance power .

  2. 权利的内容包括公司的部分决策权和人事权。

    The transferred contents include some part of the decision-making power and personnel .

  3. 邯钢财务人事权、投资决策权和筹资权分层级配置。

    Its financial human resource management , investment decision-making and financing are layered .

  4. 清廷控制着地方的军权、财权和人事权,地方督抚拥有的权力很有限。

    The central government controlled local army 、 finance and personnel , and the local governor had very limited power .

  5. 劳务派遣这一形式最早的雏形出现在我国改革开放之初,当时因为外企没有人事权,必须通过外企服务公司派出员工到公司服务这种方式来用工。

    Labor dispatch appears in our country at the beginning of reforming and opening , because foreign no personnel , they must send staff to the company through the foreign service company .

  6. 制度方面,户籍制度、社会保障制度对人才流动的壁垒、企业缺乏人事管理权、经营机制尚未转化;

    On the aspect of system , household registration system 、 social security system 、 management system and operation mechanism of state-owned enterprises ;

  7. 晚清政府通过对企业经营项目审批权、人事任免权和账目稽查权的控制,对近代企业治理施加了正反两方面的影响。

    The late Qing dynasty 's control over business projects , human resources , and audit , acts as a rapier to the development of modern business .

  8. 第一,省级党政领导干部交流制度的核心问题是人事任命权的归属,它决定了制度在现实中究竟是如何被执行的。

    At the first place , appointment of the right to ownership in the exchange system reform is the core issue of the provincial party and government leading cadres .

  9. 作为司法职权的有机组成部分,司法行政权被界定为辅助审判权行使的行政事务管理权,包含着审判事务管理权、司法政务管理权、司法人事管理权和司法裁判执行权。

    Judicial administrative power is an organic part of the judicial functions and powers which including the managerial power of the judicial affairs , judicial administrative affairs , judicial personnel and executive power of the case .

  10. 目前,国内对我国不同体制社区卫生服务机构现状(规模、人员素质及结构、业务收入及支出、人事管理权等)比较的研究较少。

    At the present , the comparative study of community health service institutions with different ownership ( size , staff quality and structure , business income and expenditure , personnel management , etc ) is less in China .

  11. 由有实力的五强集团公司购买煤矿50%以上股权,将煤矿作为集团的一个子公司,控制煤矿公司的自主销售权和人事管理权。

    Wuqing Group could buy more than 50 percent stake in coal mines , and take the mine as a subsidiary of Group , so that group would control the sale of coal and personnel management in mine .

  12. 这一持续的实际控制权是一组排他性使用和处置企业稀缺资源的权利束,可分为资本控制权、人事控制权、市场控制权、核心技术控制权、文化控制权。

    The sustained effective controls are a bundle of rights of exclusive over the use and disposal of scarce resources , which can be divided into capital control , human resources control , market control , core technology control and cultural control .

  13. 论政务公开环境下的人事档案知情权问题

    On the problem of the right to know personnel archives under the environment of making government affairs public

  14. 也谈对人事档案的知情权和利用权

    Right to Know Personnel Archives and Right to Make Use of Them

  15. 我们还需要更好的工作环境,以及在人事方面有发言权。

    We also need better work conditions and a say in hiring and firing procedures .

  16. 人际关系对组织活动影响更大,人事工作及人事权具有更大的重要性,易于滋生宗派主义小集团,造成兵不能不为将所有,又不能为将所有的困境。

    Inter-personal relations have more influences on organizational activity , thus personnel relation and Human affairs will be more important , which give the birth to sectarian group and the dilemma which implicates that " the general owns the soldiers but cannot lead them " .