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  • fence;hedge
藩篱 [fān lí]
  • [fence]篱笆

  • 羝羊触藩。--《易.大壮》。疏:藩,藩篱也。

藩篱[fān lí]
  1. 跨越藩篱&论《霍华德别业》的联结主题

    Over the Hedge : On the theme of " Connect " in Howards End

  2. 走不出男性传统的藩篱&解读《简·爱》

    No Way Out of the Hedge of Male Tradition & A Deconstruction to Jane Eyre ;

  3. 冲破WTO过渡期后的贸易藩篱

    Breakthrough the Trade Hedges after WTO Transition Period

  4. 市场研究公司AltimeterGroup的创始人兼分析师查尔林•李指出,社交网络还有助于打破企业内部不同部门之前的藩篱。

    Social networks can also help to break barriers between different departments at firms , says Charlene Li , founder and analyst at the altimeter group , a market research firm .

  5. 与IBM合作,将iPad和iPhone销售给大企业客户,只是苹果在库克领导下打破自身藩篱的一个例子,而这是乔布斯一直不愿做的。

    A partnership with IBM to sell iPads and iPhones to big corporate customers is just one example of how Apple is looking beyond its own walls more under Mr Cook , something Jobs had resisted .

  6. 杰克逊冲破种族藩篱的渴望,体现在他与摩城唱片公司(Motown)的联系上,这家由黑人拥有的唱片公司曾签下杰克逊五兄弟组合。

    The desire to transcend racial barriers reflected his links with Motown , the black-owned record label that signed The Jackson 5 .

  7. 随着国际经济一体化的发展和贸易的自由化,在传统的关税和非关税壁垒藩篱不断拆除的同时,TBT已经成为世界各国调整贸易利益的重要手段。

    Along with the international economic integration and liberalization of trade , technical barriers to trade ( TBT ) has become one of the most important instruments to gain trade profits for countries with the decreasing of tariff and other non-tariff barriers .

  8. 但是,随着39岁的总理伦蒂(MatteoRenzi)呼吁意大利年轻一代勇于打破旧精英的固有“藩篱”、以使意大利再能傲视国际时尚界后,该国的时尚业开始展露复兴迹象(尽管仍有限)。

    But with Matteo Renzi , Italy 's 39-year-old prime minister , calling for a " scrapping " of Italy 's old elites to keep any international relevance , the country 's fashion industry is starting to show some - limited - signs of renewal .

  9. 若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。

    Nobody and nothing can stop your own developing but you .

  10. 他的荒野实践成就了他独特的自然观,他的自然观超越了他所在的时代,跳出了超验主义的藩篱。

    His special nature thoughts come from his wild practice .

  11. 打破藩篱的做法也正在蔓延至其他类型的机构。

    Silo busting is spreading into institutional quarters as well .

  12. 她们聪明、机智,不被生活的藩篱所束缚。

    They cleverness , tactful , drive not life of barrier tie .

  13. 没了藩篱的束缚,生活也丰富了起来。一开始我便发现中国人天性友好、容易相处。

    From the start I found Chinese people naturally friendly and approachable .

  14. 女人正从生活的各个层面打破多年构筑的藩篱。

    Women are smashing through age-old barriers in every conceivable facet of life .

  15. 伟大的艺术家经常表现出超越社会与认知藩篱的能力。

    Great artists often exhibit an ability to transcend social and cognitive walls .

  16. 除非日本废除这些藩篱,否则美国会采取制裁行动。

    Unless Japan eliminates those barriers , the U. S. will take sanctions .

  17. 网络教育:冲破传统教育的藩篱&中关村网络教育打破坚冰

    Online Schooling : Break through the Traditional Education

  18. 在路线内或者在藩篱或警戒线之外拍照。

    To take snapshots from inside the route or from the fencing or barriers .

  19. 它打破了束缚实践智能和理论智能的藩篱。

    it pulls down the fences around the practical and even the theoretical intelligence .

  20. 拆除藩篱让绿于民&临沂市青少年宫改造规划手记

    Note of Planning of Linyi Young Palace

  21. 针对这种情况本文拟突破学术流派式研究之藩篱,而从分析汉初政治的精神实质入手来探索这一问题。

    And work over the problem by analysing the administrative essence of early Han dynasty .

  22. 冲破过剩与短缺的藩篱

    Breakthrough the Fence of Surplus and Shortage

  23. 这种高傲的态度,绝对无法打破人与人之间的藩篱。

    Such superior aloofness in no way helps to break down the barriers that separate individuals .

  24. 它也是信息交流,一个参与及贯穿整个组织藩篱的由衷奉献。

    It is communication , an involvement and a deep commitment to working across organizational boundaries .

  25. 藉由教育该郡的亚裔美国人居民,减低筛检和早期侦测的藩篱。

    To reduce barriers to screening and early detection by educating the countys Asian American residents .

  26. 信心和责任共享本身就是我们突破藩篱,永续成功的必要条件。

    Confidence and responsibility share oneself be that we break barrier , everlasting successful essential condition .

  27. 曾经在夏令用作藩篱的茂郁松树现在却够我拖的了。

    An old forest fence which had seen its best days was a great haul for me .

  28. 当下的文字图形设计早已不局限于平面与纸质媒体的藩篱。

    Text of current graphic design has been confined to the plane and fence around paper media .

  29. 假如你想当观众,就站在藩篱的旁边吧。

    If you want to be a spectator , stay on the other side of the fence .

  30. 藉由减低筛检和早期侦测的藩篱,改善整体的癌症知识和筛检实务。

    To improve overall cancer knowledge and screening practices by reducing barriers to screening and early detection .