
  1. 在一定程度上,它是与唐代的政局变动、宦官专权、藩镇割据等重大问题结合在一起的。

    In some degree , it relates the change of political situation , eunuch 's politics and local separate regime politics .

  2. 藩镇割据是突出的政治形式,但与此同时,一个时期社会的起伏发展与各种政治势力的兴衰会促使国家行政管理体制发生变化。

    Military governor segmentation was extrusive politics form , but at the same time , societal undulate development and political force ebb and flow may cause country management system change .

  3. 在五代时期藩镇割据的状况之下,地方司法机关的运行受到严重的影响,司法人员由武夫将校出任,司法权受到侵夺。

    Five Dynasties period under conditions of rival principalities carved out , the local operation of the judiciary have been seriously affected . Judicial officers appointed by the military , and judicial powers being eroded .

  4. 但唐代官报的出现有着自己独特的社会背景,后期的藩镇割据政权需要了解与自己利益相关势力的信息,以做出对最有力的判断。

    However , the emergence of the Tang Dynasty official newspaper has its own unique social background , the late military governorship regi me need to understand the forces of self-interest , to make the most powerful judge .

  5. 安史之乱使农业生产受到极大破坏,接着又有藩镇割据、宦官专权和朋党之争,使唐朝政局更为混乱。

    Agriculture was seriously destroyed , then vassal states set up separatist regimes by force , eunuchs grabbed all the powers , parties contended for power and profits , the political situation of Tang was in great turmoil .

  6. 晚唐五代,藩镇割据进一步发展,连年烽火使道教受到严重破坏,此期重振道教便成为道门中人的首要任务。

    Late Tang and Five Dynasties . The further development of rival principalities separatism , year after year to make the flames of Taoism severely damaged , the Taoist view to its revitalization has become an important task of the human door .

  7. 伴随着藩镇割据,政治权力解体,其司法状况的混乱与黑暗也是必然的,这也成为了在论述到五代时期司法状况的通常说法。

    Along with rival principalities separatism , weakness of the political power , the disintegration of their judicial status of chaos and darkness is inevitable . And this has become to common in the discussion to the Five Dynasties period of the judicial status of the usual argument .