
  • 网络woodblock printing
  1. 这可都是用雕版印刷术印制出来的。

    They were all printed using carved blocked .

  2. 中国雕版印刷术向日本传播的途径

    How the Chinese Wood-Block Printing Technique Reached Japan

  3. 中国是世界上发明雕版印刷术的国家,发明时间为公元前2世纪之末的汉代。

    Chinese invented engraving typography in the Han dynasty at the end of 2nd century BC .

  4. 雕版印刷术的发明与应用,标志着中国书史跨进了一个新的时代。

    The invention and application of block printing indicated a new era of the Chinese book history .

  5. 雕版印刷术原理分别在纺织品和纸张上先后呈现出灿烂的文明之光。

    The theory of engraving typography played a brilliant role in the culture of textiles and paper printing .

  6. 雕版印刷术发明的核心是雕版印刷术原理的发明。雕版印刷术是一项伟大的科技发明。

    The core of inventing engraving typography , a great technological invention , is the invention of its theory .

  7. 雕版印刷术使书籍雕一版而印千万,有利于更广泛而迅速有效地传播知识。

    Block printing is much more efficient than engraving and hand-written methods for the book production , which actually enabled wide and rapid dissemination of knowledge .

  8. 作为中国古代刻书业的一个重要组成部分,宋版图书因宋代雕版印刷术的成熟以及多精校精刻的特点而素为后世所推崇。

    As an important part of Chinese ancient block-printed edition industry , the block-printed edition in Song dynasty are canonized by earthling with its with special care technology .

  9. 纸、墨等材料的广泛使用,雕刻、治印、传拓技术的长期流行,推动并促进了雕版印刷术的产生。

    The technique of block printing arose from the popular application of ink and paper , as well as the support of popular techniques such as engraving , seal making and rubbings .

  10. 从署名权、作者稿酬、书籍的复制、古代作者的编辑活动和古代图书市场的出现等方面对我国雕版印刷术发明之前涉及到的书籍版权保护的诸多问题进行探讨。

    This thesis attempts to analyze some subjects relating to copyright protection before the invention of woodblock in imperial China from the aspects such as authors rights of signing , authors remuneration reproduction of books , ancient scholars ' editing activities and the emergence of ancient book markets .

  11. 长沙马王堆汉墓出土的二件雕版印染品,已经完全具务了雕版印刷术的基本科学技术原理。

    Two pieces of printed dyed textiles unearthed in Mawangdui Han Mausoleum of Changsha , have already proved the basic scientific technological theory of engraving typography .

  12. 雕版印刷在印刷史上有“活化石”之称,扬州是中国雕版印刷术的发源地。2009年,雕版印刷成为扬州市首个入选世遗的项目。

    Block printing in Yangzhou is called " living fossil " in the history of printing . In2009 , block printing was listed in the international intangible heritage .