
jīn ɡānɡ jīnɡ
  • vajracchedika-sutra
  1. 《金刚经》现藏于大英图书馆(BritishLibrary)。

    It is now at the British Library .

  2. 般若无形相,智慧心即是&试论《金刚经》所蕴含的诗学理论及其影响

    On the Theory of Poetry in The Diamond Sutra and Its Influence

  3. 从大英图书馆借出的公元9世纪印制的《金刚经》;

    the ninth-century Diamond Sutra , on loan from the British Library ;

  4. 《金刚经》中离相无住思想之研究

    The Study on Ideas of No Dwelling in Everything of the Diamond Sutra

  5. 注:小店乐意回答朋友们任何有关金刚经的问题。

    Remarks : we are willing to answer friends question about diamond sutra .

  6. 第一本被印刷的书叫做《金刚经》。

    The book in which printing first appeared was called the Diamond Sutra .

  7. 应弟子文英以下之提请,我已经手书了在金刚经结尾的闻名偈颂。

    As requested by disciple Boon Eng below I had written the famous gatha at the end of the Diamond Sutra in calligraphy .

  8. 我国及世界现存最早的有明确日期的印刷书是《金刚经》。

    The oldest extant printed book with a specific date in our country as well as in the world is the Diamond Sutra .

  9. 崇经活动是唐时民众世俗佛教生活的中心内容,是当时民风民俗的重要组成部分,而《金刚经》在其中的突出地位值得关注。

    Scripture-worship was the central content of people 's secular Buddhist lives and one of the important parts of customs in the Tang Dynasty .

  10. 她已经开始胎动而且腹部显涨大了起来。铁狮腹腔内,铸有一部《金刚经》文和沧县志。

    She has quickened , and her abdomen has become noticeably swollen . On its stomach are cast the Diamond Sutra and the county chronicle of Cangzhou .

  11. 《金刚经》是一部中国佛教具有代表性的重要经典,所蕴含的丰富的佛学理论和哲学思想,对中国文化以及哲学思想、尤其是诗学理论有着深刻的影响。

    The Diamond Sutra is a representative classical work of Chinese Buddhism , in which the rich theory of Buddhism and philosophical thought give great influence to Chinese culture and philosophy , especially the theory of poetry .

  12. 在17号石窟入口处,刘勤指向一个很小而且几乎空荡荡的屋子,斯坦因在那里发现了7000份原稿,其中包括世界上历史最悠久的印刷书籍——公元868年印制的《金刚经》。

    Inside the entrance to Cave No. 17 , Mr. Liu pointed to a small , nearly empty room where Stein found 7000 manuscripts , including one of the world 's oldest printed books , the Diamond Sutra , produced in 868 .

  13. 这卷举世闻名的《金刚经》,原藏甘肃敦煌千佛洞,1899年发现,1907年被英人斯坦因盗去,现藏伦敦不列颠博物馆。

    The world-renowned Diamond Sutra , initially hidden in the Gtianfo Cave of Dunhuang Grottos in Gansu Province , was discovered in 1899 and then purchased illegally by an Englishman Stein in 1907 . It is now collected in the British Museum in London .

  14. 《金刚经》是雕版印刷,印成于唐咸通九年(868),它是一部长约16米的佛教经卷,由6张尺寸一致的印有经文的纸张粘接而成。

    The block-printed Diamond Sutra , printed in the ninth year of Xiantong of the Tang Dynasty ( 868 ) , is a Buddhist scripture scroll which is some 16 meters long and made up of 6 bonded equal-sized pieces of paper with the Buddhist scripture on them .