
diāo kè
  • grave;carve;chisel;engrave;sculpture;sculpt
雕刻 [diāo kè]
  • [engrave;carve] 在金属、木材、石头等上面刻出图形、装饰

雕刻[diāo kè]
  1. 用动物骨头雕刻物品是犯人打发时间的一种常见做法。

    It was common practice for prisoners to carve objects from animal bones to pass the time .

  2. 眼魔经常用它们的解离射线雕刻自己的地底巢穴

    Beholders usually carve out underground lairs for themselves using their disintegrate rays .

  3. 这些雕刻作品描绘了一幅狩猎的场面。

    The carvings represent a hunting scene .

  4. 她在雕刻一些大理石。

    She was chiselling some marble .

  5. 我拿起一块木头,开始雕刻起来。

    I picked up a piece of wood and started carving .

  6. 船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案。

    The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue

  7. 箱子最底下是他的雕刻工具。

    At the very bottom of the chest were his carving tools .

  8. 一位艺术家按实际大小雕刻了一个她的头部模型。

    An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head

  9. 我的雕刻风格是表现主义。

    When I sculpt , my style is expressionistic .

  10. 最好的雕刻工具是锋利而柔韧的长刻刀。

    The best carving utensil is a long , sharp , flexible knife .

  11. 无法确定这一雕刻的年代,连石头本身的年代都难以判断。

    You cannot date the carving and it is difficult to date the stone itself

  12. 两个堂姊妹看起来像由冰块雕刻而成。

    The two cousins looked as if they 'd been carved from blocks of ice .

  13. 他用白松木雕刻出那些人偶。

    He carves his figures from white pine

  14. 两人都学习雕刻。

    Both studied sculpture .

  15. 这根图腾柱是由一整根树干雕刻而成的。

    This totem pole was carved from a single tree trunk .

  16. 那个伟人的雕像是用金属雕刻的。

    The statue of the great man was sculpted from metal .

  17. 我计划雕刻一尊我父亲的半身像。

    I plan to sculpt a bust of my father .

  18. 他在木头上雕刻出自己的模样。

    He carved a picture of himself on a piece of wood .

  19. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。

    This statue was carved out of marble .

  20. 他擅长雕刻,可以称得上艺术家。

    He could be called an artist , as he was good at sculpture .

  21. 特德在雕刻一些大理石。

    Ted was chiselling some marble .

  22. 这几件象牙雕刻做得真细!

    What exquisite [ delicate ] ivory carvings these are !

  23. 大理石很难雕刻。

    It is difficult to engrave in marble .

  24. 这座像是用木头雕刻成的。

    The statue was carved out of wood .

  25. 他精于雕刻。

    He is skilled in sculpture .

  26. 中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻。这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的五分之四大。

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong , a contemporary Chinese sculptor , is the world 's smallest piece of sculpture , its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice .

  27. 中国四川的乐山大佛是世界上最大的佛像雕刻。它高达71米,修建于唐代。

    The Giant Stone Buddha at Leshan Mountain in Sichuan Province of China , carved in the Tang Dynasty ( 618 A.D. - 907 A.D. ), is 71 metres high , making it the largest statue of Buddha in the world .

  28. 雕刻动物他是个真正的行家里手。

    He 's a real master at carving animals .

  29. 凹版雕刻用酸性蚀刻化学品废弃物。

    Intaglio engraving of rejectamenta acid etching chemicals .

  30. 船尾饰有红色和蓝色的雕刻图案

    The stern was embellished with carvings in red and blue .