
  1. 公元756年(至德元年),安禄山在洛阳称大燕皇帝。

    In 756 , An Lushan kinged himself the Emperor of Great Yan .

  2. 在安禄山叛乱以前,史思明官至平卢兵马使。

    Before An 's rebellion , Shi was official of Pinglu military forces .

  3. 755年,安禄山假借讨伐杨国忠之名叛乱。

    In 755 , An Lushan revolted under the pretense of punishing Yang Guozhong .

  4. 唐玄宗没有想到安禄山会叛乱,所以在军事上毫无准备。

    Tang Xuanzong who never called to mind that An Lushan would betray him made nothing in preparation .

  5. 安禄山见驾唐明皇和杨贵妃,别有用心地跳起了胡腾舞。

    An Lushan , during a formal visit to Emperor Tang and beauty Yang , start to perform Huteng Dance .

  6. 运用这种方式,甚至当宰相杨国忠提出罢免他的职位的时候,安禄山都可以不用遭受指责。

    In this way , he was protected from criticism , even when the Chief Minister , Yang Guozhong , demanded his dismissal .

  7. 然而,杨国忠却作出了愚蠢的军事判断,他命令位于要塞区域的军队在开阔的地方攻击安禄山的军队。

    However , Yang Guozhong , with grossly inept military judgement , ordered the troops in the passes to attack An 's army on open ground .

  8. 安禄山策划了一场反叛,借助唐朝官僚机构的颓败与王宫周围强大军队的缺席达成了自己的目的。

    An Lushan planned a revolt , taking advantage of the decadent Tang bureaucracy and the absence of strong troops around the palace to achieve his aims .

  9. 通过自己掌控的权力和区域(安禄山在这三个地区的全部军事力量约有164000人),

    With such power and land in his control ( the total military power of An Lushan in those three garrisons alone was about 164 thousand strong ) ,

  10. 安史之乱的另一个名称忽视了安禄山的下属史思明的参与,史思明在杀害了安禄山的儿子安庆旭后成为了叛军首领。

    The alternative term An Lushan Rebellion neglected the participation of Shi Siming , a subordinate of An Lushan and later leader of the rebellion after murdering An Lushan 's son An Qingxu .

  11. 例如,8世纪中国的安禄山叛乱或17世纪中欧的三十年战争死亡人数占总人口的比例就比二战大。

    As a proportion of the population , more people were killed during the An Lushan rebellion in eighth-century China , for example , or by the Thirty Years War in 17th-century central Europe .

  12. 唐朝新招来的士兵抵挡不住安禄山的劲旅,安禄山渡过黄河后,连败唐军,一路攻陷陈留(现河南开封地区陈留)、荥阳(河南荥阳)、洛阳,直抵潼关。

    The newly recruited soldiers were unable to keep out An , s powerful force , so An bridged Huanghe , defeated the Tang armies in succession , captured Chenliu ( present Chenliu in Kaifeng Prefecture , Henan ) , Xingyang ( present Xingyang , Henan ) , and Luoyang , till closed in on Tongguan Pass .