
  • 网络ANN ARBOR;University of Michigan
  1. 这款产品在硅谷设计,将在密歇根州安阿伯(AnnArbor,Michigan)制造,制造过程会在60名薪水相对亚洲较高的工程师指导下进行,使用的部件将来自全球各地。

    It was designed in Silicon Valley and will be made in Ann Arbor , Michigan under the supervision of 60 relatively expensive engineers , with components from across the globe .

  2. “这样还要说双母小鼠活得更久就很狡猾。”安阿伯市的密歇根大学的老化基因学家RichardMiller说。

    " This makes it trickier to interpret the claim that the bi-maternal mice are unusually long-lived ," says Richard Miller , who studies the genetics of ageing at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor .

  3. 圣诞节前夜,家住密歇根州安阿伯的斯科特(BrandonScott)还在等着他上周六在亚马逊订购的46寸三星(Samsung)电视机和凯特丝蓓(KateSpade)手表。

    On Christmas Eve , Brandon Scott was still waiting for a 46-inch Samsung TV and Kate Spade watch he ordered from Amazon on Saturday .

  4. 他在密西根安阿伯的办公室通过Skype表示,他对该项目的可行性充满希望。

    He says -- speaking by Skype from his office in Ann Arbor , Michigan -- that he is hopeful the program will work .

  5. 这是座伫立在安阿伯街尽头的雕塑。

    This statue is at the end of annarbor Street erected by .

  6. 本周我们以位于安阿伯的密西根大学为例。

    Our example this week is the University of Michigan in Ann arbor .

  7. 在安阿伯里拿点艺术类课程吧。

    Just take arts courses at Ann arbor .

  8. 安阿伯,巴特克里市,弗林特和兰辛所有地区有较小的下跌。

    Ann Arbor , Battle Creek , Flint and Lansing all saw smaller drops .

  9. 形式:安阿伯与洛杉矶每月一次,周五与周六上课

    Format : Once a month on Friday and Saturday in Ann Arbor and Los Angeles

  10. 这里只出售,有人在丰田工程技术中心安阿伯,密歇根州。

    Sold here exclusively , it was engineered at the Toyota Technical Center in Ann Arbor , Michigan .

  11. 毕业于密歇根大学安阿伯在与亚洲语言和文化学位。

    Graduated from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor with a degree in Asian languages and cultures .

  12. 在密歇根的安阿伯,宗教自由基金会投诉一个在高速公路隔离带放置了63年的耶诞布景。

    In Ann Arbor , Michigan , the Freedom from Religion Foundation complained about a Nativity scene on a highway median that has been displayed for63 years .

  13. 从北卡罗来纳州查珀希尔到加利福尼亚理工学院的实验室,到密歇根州安阿伯的中心地带,数以百计的研究员和科学家聚集一堂,全力研制下一代互联网。

    From Chapel Hill North Carolina to the labs of caltech , to the nerve center in Anarber michigan , hundreds of researchers and scientists are banding together , to craft the next generation of the internet .

  14. 他有三个兄弟,他们四人中较长的三人都出席或出席过密歇根州的比赛,而最小的弟弟,戴恩,也是今年安阿伯秋季比赛的新人。

    His three brothers all swim and the three oldest of the group all attend or attended Michigan . Dane , the youngest of the poolside foursome , will be a freshman at Ann Arbor in the fall .