
  • 网络kwun tong;APM;kubrick-apm
  1. 他参加了观塘职业训练局的摄影课程,其后修毕了这课程。

    He took the Kwun Tong Vocational Training Center photography course and graduated there .

  2. 五名年轻男子在观塘非法赛车后版拘捕。

    Five young men have been arrested after an illegal car race in Kwun Tong .

  3. 观塘老人社区服务中心〔基督教家庭服务中心〕

    Kwun Tong Multi-service Centre for the Elderly [ Christian Family Service Centre ]

  4. 观塘市中心的一个家燕巢,今天已在育第二窝了。

    Barn Swallow nest at Kwun Tong is now raising the second brood this year .

  5. 主要城市:九龙,观塘,香港仔,新界,荃湾。

    Major cities : Kowloon , Kwun Tong , Aberdeen , New Kowloon , Tsuen Wan .

  6. 观塘道一带巴士站可能要重组,以防意外再度发生。

    Bus stops along Kwun Tong Road may be reorganised in the wake of the accident .

  7. 现时观塘、荃湾和港岛线每五分钟一班车。

    Trains on the Kwun Tong , Tsuen Wan and Island lines now operate at five-minute intervals .

  8. 地铁观塘站至北角站的列车,暂停一个小时后恢复正常。

    MTR trains between Kwun Tong and North Point resumed services following a suspension for one hour .

  9. 到了2019年,沙田、观塘和元朗将会是人口最高的地区。

    Overall , Shatin , Kwun Tong and Yuen Long would become the most populous districts in2019 .

  10. 油麻地,这是观塘线的终点站,谢谢乘搭港铁。

    Yau Ma Tei , end of the Kwun Tong Line , thank you for travelling on the MTR .

  11. 在九龙半岛的观塘和黄大仙区,一共有二十五间麦当劳快餐店,而中学则有七十四间。

    In two districts ( Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin ) there are25 McDonalds against the background of74 secondary schools .

  12. 历史文献大部分存放于九龙观塘的香港历史档案大楼。

    The bulk of the archival holding is held at the Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong , Kowloon .

  13. ·鸿图道1号在观塘区,集饮食、物及娱乐设施于一身,货物林林总总,应有尽有。

    No.1 Hung To Road is located at Kwun Tong District where re restaurants , shops and entertainment facilities are in abundant .

  14. 我在观塘拍了“九龙皇帝”曾灶财的一些作品,才发现其实我每周都要开车经过这里。

    I also got pics of a few Emperor pieces in Kwun Tong . I didn 't realize I drove by these every week .

  15. 在位于观塘道西行观塘工业中心外巴士站将会张贴告示,通知乘客有关安排。

    Notices will be displayed at the bus stop on Kwun Tong Road outside Kwun Tong industrial centre to advise passengers of the above changes .

  16. 现代社会人事档案的形色图&对人事档案管理工作的思考历史档案大部分存放于特别兴建的观塘香港历史档案大楼。

    Phenomenons of Contemporary Personnel File Management ; The bulk of its archival holdings is held at the purpose-built Hong Kong Public Records Building in Kwun Tong .

  17. 除「信兴中心」总部外,本公司在中环、油麻地及观塘均设有维修服务分站,服务范围遍及港九新界。

    In addition to the Shun Hing centre headquarters , there are service stations , in such prime locations as central , Yaumatei and Kwuntong in order to have full service coverage throughout Hong kong , Kowloon and the new territories .