
  • Long Beach;Boracay;White Beach;LGB;Caticlan
  1. ArtWong是长滩港口的发言人。

    Art Wong is port of Long Beach spokesman .

  2. 几年前我参加在长滩TED会议的时候,我遇到了哈里特。

    A couple of years ago when I was attending the TED Conference in Long Beach , I met Harriet .

  3. 美国加利福尼亚州长滩市MemorialMedicalCenter周四发生枪击事件,马里奥向两名同事开枪后饮弹自尽,其作案动机正在调查当中。

    The motive behind a deadly hospital shooting is still a mystery today . It happened on Thursday at Memorial Medical Center in Long Beach , California . Witnesses say Mario Ramirez killed two of his co-workers and then turned the gun on himself .

  4. 我真的很享受我在天堂英语和长滩岛上的这段时间。

    I really enjoyed my time at Paradise English and Boracay .

  5. 长滩是丰田汽车的入境港口之一。

    Long Beach is one of the entry ports for Toyotas .

  6. 他到长滩去感谢他的恩人。

    He went to long beach to thank his benefactor .

  7. 我和他一起在长滩办过一起勒索案。

    Worked an extortion case together down in long beach .

  8. 1995年以来,长滩港的集装箱吞吐量增长了一倍多。

    Container traffic at long beach has more than doubled since 1995 .

  9. 只有一艘船是2:30离开长滩港的。

    There 's only one ship scheduled to leave long beach at2:30 .

  10. 克莱门扎打电话给长滩镇找汤姆-黑根接电话。

    Clemenza called the house in Long Beach and got Tom Hagen .

  11. 但有些事情,长滩港可做不多。

    But some things the port can do little about .

  12. 去年在长滩港,比例约为一半。

    Last year at Long Beach it was about half .

  13. 我会让你去长滩做码头工人。

    I 'll get you down in long beach as a dockworker .

  14. 好莱坞和长滩有一半是他建的。

    He built half of Hollywood and long beach .

  15. 我在长滩岛已经生活了3个月了。

    I have been staying in Boracay for3 months .

  16. 位于梅森堡长滩上的用木头搭建的彩虹色更衣室;

    Long Beach at Muizenberg , with its rainbow colored wooden change rooms ;

  17. 听着,现在先让艾迪安排你去长滩。

    Look , just let Eddie for now set you up at long beach .

  18. 长滩麦克不是你的朋友。

    Long beach Mike is not your friend .

  19. 中美高中教师培养计划比较研究&以北师大4+2培养模式和美国加州长滩分校的高师培养计划为例

    A Comparative Study of Senior Teachers Training Plan between China and the United States

  20. 乙:对,我住在长滩旁。你要来找我玩呀!

    B : Yes , I live by Long Beach . Come and see me .

  21. 他们不的不在离开长滩后不久便在卡达琳纳岛休整了一段时间,

    They 'd had to pull in at Catalina Island shortly after they left Long Beach

  22. 洛杉矶港和长滩港的官员也希望日本情况能够好转。

    That hope is shared by officials at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach .

  23. 婚后,他们就搬回长滩镇林荫道。

    Then they had moved into one of the houses on the mall in Long Beach .

  24. 卡瑞利今天在长滩召开的美国天文学界第213次会议上介绍了他们研究小组的发现。

    Carilli presented his team 's findings here today at the213th meeting of the American Astronomical Society .

  25. 几周前,我跟我的男朋友在菲律宾的长滩岛度过了一个难忘的假期。

    A few weeks ago , I spent a whole week with my boyfriend in Boracay , Philipines .

  26. 一小时之后,他就安全回到了长滩镇林荫道,向迈克尔-考利昂汇报任务执行情况。

    An hour later he was safely in the mall on Long Beach and talking to Michael Corleone .

  27. 在2010年万圣节前后分别在环球影视城和长滩的“皇后号”巨轮体验了两次鬼屋冒险;

    I experienced two haunted houses at Universal Studios and the Queen Mary at Long Beach around Halloween in2010 ;

  28. 但长滩港仍可折射出全球经济的现状,尤其是对美国贸易来说。

    But long beach still offers a prism on the global economy , and on US trade in particular .

  29. 美国加利福尼亚洲南部的一座城市,是长滩郊外的住宅区和工业区。人口73557。

    A city of southern California , a residential and industrial suburb of Long Beach . Population , 73,557 .

  30. 有天我只是看到了长滩的麦当劳停车场一口油井。

    I just saw an oil well in the parking lot of a McDonalds in long beach the other day .