
  • 网络Orange County
  1. 罗贾斯在接受橘郡记事报采访时说:我本以为一所学校都去不了。

    I didn 't think I would get into any , Rojas told The Orange County Register on Saturday .

  2. 他告诉《橘郡纪事报》说,在18世纪,哭是一件很正常的事情,如果在剧场你不哭,就会被认为是下层阶级的粗人。

    In the 18th century , crying was so normalized and even expected that if you didn 't cry at the theatre you were some kind of lower class boor , he told the Orange County Register .

  3. 《橘郡男孩》原来是Fox播放的,现在英国的E4频道播出,讲述加州橘郡(OrangeCounty)富家子弟的生活。

    ' The O.C. , 'a Fox show now in reruns on Britain 's E4 channel , chronicles the life of affluent teens in Orange County , Calif.

  4. 新建的住宅小区用上了橘郡和曼哈顿花园之类的美式名字。

    New housing compounds bear names like Orange County and Manhattan Gardens .

  5. 橘郡已经开始了一个“厕所水变自来水”的项目,而新加坡更是已经在销售污水回收再用而成的瓶装水。

    Orange County already has a " toilet to tap " system in place , and Singapore actually sells bottled water that comes from its treated wastewater plants .

  6. 极限弹簧单高跷是一项能给人带来快乐的运动。南加利福年亚洲的弹簧高跷爱好者表示,他们正在试图通过橘郡博览会使这项运动更加受欢迎。

    Extreme pogo is the happiest way to become a extreme sport , Pogo athletes in Southern California say they are trying to make it more popular , using the events like Orange County 's state fair to do it .